Blossoming Flowers

Nov 07, 2009 23:29

Title: Blossoming Flowers
Rating: T
Genre/s: Romance/General
Pairing/s: Switzerland/FemCanada
Warning/s: Unbeta ed
Author's Note: Thanks guys for reviewing, reading, alerting, and favourite this fanfic. :) Review please. The more the reviews, the faster I update. If you don't want me to put a tragic end on the ending. >:)
Summary: A French named Francis Bonnefoy came to Arthur's house to talk something. He wants his daughter Madeline back.
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia-Axis Powers. It belongs to Himaruya Hidekaz.
Link: Chapter 1: Sunflowers and Chocolates <3
Chapter 3: From: Gilbert (a.k.a. The Awesome Me. >:D)

Chapter 2:

Vash woke up groggily this morning. He was blinded by the sun's rays. He did his morning routines. He went down and saw his sister cooking their breakfast.

“Good morning, brother.” Lys greeted him with a smiling face as she stirred firmly the food.

“Good morning.” Vash greeted back, his eyes closed and his hands scratched the back of his head. He went to his seat. Lys served the dish.

“Bonne appetit....” They both chimed and ate.

After that, Vash helped his sister cleaned the dishes and went up to his room to change his baggy clothes into his uniform.

“I have to go now.” he announced.

Lys nodded. “Good luck.” Vash then left the house.

As he walked, he notice a market in the town. He decided to look around for a while. It was still too early, anyways.
“Bonjour, mes amis!” A blond man said, coming in their house. His face then met a flying shoe.

“Francis, you bloody git. How many times I have to tell you to knock at the door?!.” Arthur exclaimed.

“But mon ami, I thought I could come in here anytime  I want and without knocking at the door, " The French grimaced at the pain. He looked at Arthur, giving him a creepy smile. "After all, I'm part of your family." Francis winked at him and Arthur is feeling nauseated. He then finally shook his head and glared at the French.

Arthur crossed his arms on his chest. “Like the hell I would. Who would even consider you?”

“Ah, Mr. Francis,” The two looked at the smiling Madeline.

“Ah mademoiselle Madeline....” Francis went to her, took her hand and kissed it. He looked at the petite blushing girl, still not letting go of the hand. “Bonjour~” He chirped.

“Bo-bonjour...” Madeline greeted back, and blush crept over her face. Francis smiled at her and let go of her hand. He looked at Arthur and smirked at his expression.

“I guess Madeline here considers me one, oui?.” Francis asked, giving him a victory smile.

Arthur snapped out of his thoughts, and looked at Madeline. “Madeline, would you please be kind to serve us some tea?” he ordered politely and Madeline nodded quietly. The two waited for her to leave the room. Arthur then turned his head and glared the French.

“What the bloody hell are you doing here? If it's about Madeline, get the bloody out of this house.” He scowled.

“Please mon ami...” Francis bowed down. “Madeline is my child.” A sincere voice escaped from his lips.

“You're not her father anymore after you gave her to me! You said you don't like the child anymore and I could keep her. Have you forgotten?” Arthur shouted aloud, yet low at the same time.

“But mon ami, it's the past and I want mon enfante now!”

“As if I'm going to give her back to you. Madeline grew here ever since. I took care of her whole heartedly like Alfred-like my own child. I have grown to love and treat her as my child; you will never ever take her away from me, got it bastard? Or did you want Madeline back because of some reasons?” Arthur exclaimed.

Outside the room, Alfred was listening in their conversation for who knows how long. A sigh escaped his lips. He was relieved Arthur won't give his sister back to him. He was pretty shocked Madeline wasn't his real sister when Francis told him. He couldn't entirely sleep at night which makes Madeline worry about him. But even if she wasn't his real sister, like Arthur have said, he also have grown to love her as well.

“Alfred, what are you doing?” Alfred slightly jumped back and turned to see his sister looked at him confused. “Are you listening to their conversation again?” she asked.

Alfred laughed nervously. “Uhmmm..kinda. So Madeline, I thought Arthur wanted you to serve them tea?” he asked.

“Yeah, but there's no tea bags. I have to buy some in the town. Could you tell that to father if he ask?” Alfred nodded. Madeline thanked him and left the house.

Alfred sighed in relief. He wondered if Madeline found out about this, would she leave them with her real father? His heart hurts as he thought about it.

What if one day, Madeline leaves us? Could I handle it?

Then he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a vase fell down. He quickly twisted the door knob and opened the door. He saw the two fighting.

“You wine-bastard! How many times I tell you to screw off and leave us alone? Madeline will stay here under my care and not under yours!” he shouted, pulling Francis' hair and punching him in the stomach.

Francis tries to avoid every punch and tries to get Arthur's hand out of his silky hair. “She's my child! I have the rights to have her back.”

“You don't have the rights anymore after you gave her to me, you bloody wanker!”

Alfred face palmed at the scene. His father and the French acted like children, considering they were old. Is this what happens when a person gets older? He has to call Antonio or Gilbert, Francis' friends fast before the place ends like bloody war.

He dialed the phone number and waited for someone to answer.

“Hello Antonio...”

“Hola amigo! Soy Antonio. Sorry, I'm not around for a moment. We're harvesting tomatoes right now. Please leave a message after the beep. BEEP!”

“...” Alfred hung up the phone and sighed. He's going to dial Gilbert.

“Hello Gilbert? This is Alfred, Arthur's son. Yeah, you're awesome. Can you help me separate Arthur and your friend Francis here? They're making a mess and it seems to be they're starting a war here in the house. I don't want to have a mess here. Yeah, that would be great. Thanks, fucking awesome.” Alfred hung up, rolling his eyes.

He was the most awesome person here and not Gilbert.
Gilbert hung up the phone and drank one last drop of his beer. He changed from his uniform to normal clothes.

“Oi, where are you going?” Ludwig asked.

“The fucking child just asked the awesome me to separate the idiot Francis and his dad. I'm coming back later.” he said and left. Ludwig sighed. Why did he let his bruder work?

He sighed again and turned around. He noticed the time at the clock. Where was Vash?
Meanwhile, Madeline was walking in the town. The town was lovely. Enthusiastic people greeted her as she entered. They all call for her, persuading her to buy their products. There was one store caught Madeline's attention.

“Hello there, young lady!” The man greeted as Madeline approach, “Look at our magnificent watches and jewelries.” Madeline looked at them and her image reflected in the jewelries. She was in awe. Words failed her.

“What do you think, young lady? Want to buy them?” A smile plastered in the man's face. Madeline felt something odd, but she couldn't pinpoint. Her mind tells her to stay away from the merchant, but she couldn't actually pinpoint why.

“Uhmmm..I'm very sorry, but-” The merchant grabbed her wrists and dragged her inside the house.

"You won't regret the products here. They are very fine class and I'm sure you will like it.” said the man. Madeline tried to struggle from the grip, but she failed.

Then someone threw a knife and almost hit the merchant. He and Madeline turned and looked at the blonde man standing.

“Who are you to bug me? Can't you see I'm in a business,” The merchant scowled and glared at him. Unfortunately, it didn't affect the man.

“Business?” The blonde emphasized the word, coming nearer to them. “What can I see is that you were forcing this lady to buy your fake jewelries.”

Madeline's eyes widened and looked at the man. How did he know that it was fake?

Vash noticed the girl glancing at him, but he ignored it. He went to them and slapped the man's hand to let go of Madeline's hand. Madeline went to Vash's side. “Never come back again to this place or else....” Vash said, giving the merchant a deathly glare.

The man quivered, “Y-yes...” And with that, he ran away.

Madeline was feeling relieved. Good thing, this man saved her or else who knows what could have happen to her. She looked at the man's features. He was a bit taller than her. He has blonde hair and emerald eyes. There was something in the man's eyes. It was like there's a hint of sadness within him.

“Next time, stay away from idiot people like him.” Vash said, not looking at Madeline.

Madeline stared at him for a moment and she snapped out when Vash looked at her. “Ah, yes. Uhmm...where could you buy some tea bags?” she asked, feeling awkward asking Vash. Vash lazily pointed the store near the acacia trees.

Madeline bowed her head. “Thank you very much. I don't know how to repay for your kindness.” she smiled apologetically as she raised her head. She love to repay him. She would like to invite him to their house and let him eat her food in return. But knowing her family, it was not going to happen. She bowed her head again and bid goodbye.

Vash could only nod. He noticed the time and he knew he was indeed late. He sighed and left the market. He knows Ludwig would lecture him for being late.
“Ah, I have finally able to buy some tea bags.” she said, cheerfully walking down the pathway to her house. When she opened the door, her eyes widened and the bag fell from her arms.

He saw her brother, dad, and friend and visitor, making a mess. They all stopped and looked at the girl. Alfred was pulling Arthur away, while the visitor was pulling the other one away from her dad.

“What is going on?” Madeline asked.

“Uhmm...nothing, Maddie. We were just playing.” Alfred answered and laughed nervously, releasing Arthur from his grip.

“Play? Is that what you call play? You're all making a mess here!” she shouted. All of them couldn't speak.

“Hey, who is this girl here?” Gilbert asked, pointing Madeline. “Is she your wife Alfred or is she still single?”

“No, she isn't my wife, Gilbert. She's my sister.” Alfred answered, blush crept his face. He suddenly glared at him. “Why are you asking if she's single?” Gilbert avoided the piercing gaze.

“She's not your sister, Alfred. She's my daughter and she's not related to any two of you.” Francis scowled.

Madeline raised her eyebrow. “Daughter?” What was the Francis saying? She all looked at them, but Alfred and Arthur were looking away from her gaze. “I demand an answer, right now.” she ordered.

To be continued....


  • This is chapter 2. Hope you like it. :) I actually need a French person here...>> Wanted someone to check it.
  • I think there's no need to translate them because it's obvious right? :)
  • Any kind of reviews are accepted. :) It's very heart-warming :)

france, prussia, england, germany, spain, switzerland, fanfiction, canada, america, hetalia

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