Blossoming Flowers

Nov 07, 2009 16:45

Title: Blossomming Flowers
Rating: T
Genre/s: Romance/General
Pairing/s: Switzerland/FemCanada (main pairing)
Warning/s: Unbeta ed
Summary: Aside from sunlight, water, and soil, flowers need love from the person taking care of it in order to bloom beautifully.
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia-Axis Powers. It belongs to Himaruya Hidekaz.
Link:  Chapter 2: You're my daughter!
Chapter 3: From: Gilbert (a.k.a. The Awesome Me. >:D)
Chapter 1:

The landscape is beautiful. It's filled with evergreen grass and beautiful flowers. As the sun shines, the flower petals gave off its wonderful rays.
There was a fluffy white bear sitting beside the tree, looking aimlessly at the sky.

“Kumajirou, where are you?” a female voice shouted. The bear didn't care and continued watching the sky as flock of birds flew together. Then his view was blocked by a certain female who has long, wavy, blonde hair (with a single strand of curly hair popping out) and blue eyes. She was wearing a pink velvet dress and a white ribbon surrounding her waist.

“Ah, there you are!” The girl smiled at him, "I have been looking for you."

Kumajirou looked at the girl, confused. "Who are you?"

The girl somehow giggled at the cuteness of the animal. She tapped the bear's nose with her finger. “I'm Madeline, Kumakichi.” She answered, teasing her favourite pet. Kumajirou was still confused and asked again, who she was. Ignoring the bear's question, Madeline carried the bear and embraced it. Then she turned around and look at the view in front of them.

“Ah, the scene these days are so lovely, don't you think?” she mumbled, watching and enjoying the view. Her bear just looked at her again, asking who she was. Madeline looked at Kumajirou, brows furrowing and lips curving, turning into a frown. "Kumajirou....." A sigh escaped her lips. She wondered why her bear doesn't remember her. She feeds and takes care of him everyday. Is she missing something?

She turned around and walked away. "Let's go now, Kumakichi. I know you're hungry right now and I'm sure my family is dead worried about me."
There was a certain restaurant in the kingdom where people usually visit. People acknowledge the foods served in it.

In the kitchen, there was someone laughing out loud, making others irritated at him. The other employees wanted to kick him out of the job, since he doesn't do anything but drink beer.

"I'm the most fucking awesome man in the world!" The albino proclaimed, drinking another bottle of the beer. Then a woman would hit him with a frying pan. He scowled. It would always end with a fight, making it more irritating than ever.

Emerald eyes twitched of the blonde who was watching the ruckus. He doesn't know why he's not used to it. It happens everyday. Next time, he wanted to bring a gun and shoot them all.

"Stop it already, you two." A man with brown hair and violet eyes chided. "You two are making a mess in here, especially you, Gilbert." The albino turned his gaze at him as he avoided the girl's punch.

"Oi Roderich, could you make this damn woman away from me?" He said, avoided the uppercut punch. "She's getting annoying," the albino added. He failed to avoid the upcoming punch.

Roderich sighed and looked at the girl. "Elizaveta, stop it." he ordered. The woman looked at him, still punching the albino.

"Why? This man didn't do anything, but drink beer! He's damn conceited much." She exclaimed.

Roderich sighed in defeat. He does not know how to separate them. He wanted to tell the manager about the beer and his brother.

They could hear someone walking, rather stomping his feet to the ground. A guy suddenly opened the two-door entrance and looked at them. Elizaveta stopped punching Gilbert and released him, causing Gilbert to fell to the floor.

"What are you all doing? The customers are waiting for the dish and you haven't done anything but fight? I want the dish right now, this instant!" He then exited the room immediately. Silence surrounded them.

Gilbert stood up and dusted his uniform Mumbling something under his breath before exiting the kitchen. Elizaveta cooked the food quietly, and apologized to them about the ruckus.

Vash and Roderich sighed in relief. The ruckus was now finally over thanks to Ludwig, their manager and Gilbert's brother. If it wasn't for him, who knows what will happen to their business.

"I'm going to go now. Clean the mess they've created." Roderich said, exiting the room. Vash could only nod. He twitched as he saw bottles of beer scattered on the floor. There were some broken ones. The ones Elizaveta smashed on Gilbert's head. He took out the mop, broom, and bucket from the closet, and started to clean.

"Vash, would you like me to help you?" His turned his head to see his sister, Lys. She looks the same as Vash, though she's shorter than him.

Vash nodded. "You clean those shards of beer bottle while I mopped the floor."

This is going to be one hell of a day.
Madeline twisted the knob and opened the door. She first saw his brother and father pacing back and forth.

"I'm back." she said as she entered the house, then greeted by a big hug. Kumajirou was suffocating.

"Al-Alfred.." she cussed under her breath, suffocating. The man let go of her and gave her a big smile. She and her brother were not born on the same day, but they're identical like twins. Madeline remembered once she was a small girl, her father told her that if she was a boy, he would having a hard time to identify who's who.

"Maddie! Where were you? You took so long. Me and Arthur here are getting paranoid here." he said. Their dad glared at him, wanted to reprimand him.

"I was looking for Kumajirou." she answered. She noticed Alfred was slightly glaring at the bearin her arm.

"You know, you should have left this....thing alone." Madeline twitched at her brother's choice of blunt words. "He could survive alone...that is if he has instinct."

She pouted and turned around. "Sorry Alfred, but I love Kumajirou. No matter how many times he asked me who am I, he will still be my pet." Kumajirou looked at her with loving eyes. Madeline thought her pet knows her now.

"Hungry," the bear said, much to Madeline's dismay. She sighed in depressed. She went to the kitchen, leaving Alfred in the room. Their dad left him in room also, helping Maddie for the food.

"Alright, alright. Let's find something for you to eat." he could hear Maddie from the kitchen.

Alfred looked at his sister's direction. He wished he was the polar bear, but he felt lucky that he wasn't.

He never wanted to keep forgetting someone he loves.

To be continued......

  • I deleted "You're My Heart" because of some reasons. >.>
  • Madeline here is the female name of FemCanada
  • Alfred is her brother and Arthur is her father. 
  • Gilbert is the waiter. Elizaveta is the cook. Roderich is the musician. Vash and Lys (Liechtenstein) are the cleaners and Ludwig is the boss/manager.
  • Merci beacoup for reading this fanfic of mine.
  • Comments, constructive criticisms and flames are always welcome. The more reviews/comments I receive, the faster I update, seriously.

prussia, austria, kumajirou, germany, switzerland, fanfiction, canada, hungary, hetalia

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