So Twilight? WAS AWESOME.
When Rachel got to my place, we decided that we would swing by the theater on our way to Barnes & Noble, to see if there was a crowd yet. And boy, was there! They were lined up all the way to the front doors. I was worried that if we didn't get in line now, we'd have to stand outside - and it was freezing like nobody's business. So after a bit of dithering, we decided to just go on in and get in line then - two hours before the movie.
By the way, Dippin' Dots vending machines exist.
I took some pictures and video of the crowd, and then.. People were moving? What? Finally we figured out that as the theaters that were going to show Twilight later finished showing whatever movie was on before, they would let people go on in and get their seats right then. Which is really a good way of doing things. So we got some quite good seats, and settled in to wait.
And really, the wait wasn't all that bad. We only stood around for maybe half an hour before we got into a theater, and we amused ourselves quite easily until the movie started. We wrote purposefully bad poetry about sitting and waiting for Twilight ["An hour and fifteen minutes left / Edward's chin has a cleft / At least I think so / If you disagree, then you're a ho."], chatted, took pictures, did a Sudoku puzzle, and finally about thirty minutes before the movie started I went to use the bathroom and buy the biggest size of popcorn that they had for us.
Five minutes before the movie, the lights went down, and everyone shrieked. After this, all in all our crowd was pretty well behaved. There were inevitable squees and sighs throughout the movie, but nobody like out-and-out screamed or anything like I've heard reports of from other theaters. Anyway, then someone yelled from down front, "FIVE MORE MINUUUUTES!" It was all rather hilarious.
And then... the movie. Ah, what can be said about the movie without ruining it for those who haven't seen it yet? IT ROCKED.
Robert Pattinson had the whole self-loathing thing down pat, let me tell you. And the movie was really true to the book, I thought. I mean, it's inevitable that they had to change some things around, to compress an entire huge book into two hours and fifteen minutes. It was a bit of a jolt from nothing to "BAM! they're in love", but understandably so I suppose. Rachel observed that the movie was clearly made with the assumption that the majority of the viewers had already read the books. And that's quite true - they left a lot of things unexplained and vague. And one thing that really bothered me: They never mentioned that Jasper has a power. They of course talked about Edward and Alice's powers, but you'd think they could have spared a moment to at least mention, "Oh, and Jasper can influence people's emotions a bit."
The Volvo of Great Justice.. WAS AWESOME. Edward has some mad car skills, yo.
And... and the Scene of Great Sparkle. Oh, my. It was spectacular. I think they did a really good job on it, really - it was discreet enough so he didn't look like a disco ball, but it was still definitely SPARKLY.
And I laughed, and laughed, and laughed. I had to bite my knuckles to keep from shrieking with laughter. The people on the other side of me laughed because I was laughing so much. It was just so.. so..
It was such great lulz, I may have blown a lulz fuse.
["You're beautiful." "This is the skin of a KILLER, Bella! HOP ABOARD THE ANGST TRAIN WITH ME ALREADY."]
And oh - oh, I try so hard not to be a Twilighter fangirl about Edward. But lawd, Robert Pattinson has skills. He mixed super!angst with smoldering sexiness flawlessly. [Except his expression when he was sucking the venom out of Bella was HILARIOUS.]
VAMPIRE BASEBALL, VAMPIRE BASEBALL. I cannot forget to mention vampire baseball! It was AWESOME. And Alice pitches so prettily, like a ballet dancer pitching.
We got home around 3am, and went to bed around 4am. I was exhausted. I sincerely think I OD'd on lulz, because I just flopped down and fizzled like, "....What. Just. Happened?" So, so hard to wake up the next morning. I'm glad I did, though, as I shall explain in another post.. This is just my Twilight post.
So in my computer programming class there's this guy whose girlfriend dragged him to see the Twilight premiere. And he ended up loving it. The whole hour, we chatted about our favorite parts, and Twilight in general. He said that he bought the audio-books for all four online, and is going to listen to them. He straight-up said that he's addicted to it now. I wanted to ask, "Are you sure you're not gay?" because he was so enthusiastic about it, and saying how different parts were so sweet, etc. [Side note: I really think he might be gay, and my evidence is thus: My gaydar is pretty good. He's pretty good looking. He dresses twink-like. He just has a gay-seeming voice and mannerisms. And he seemed a little bit infatuated with Edward, if I was reading him right and I think I was.]
Later in the day, I commiserated with this one girl in my advisory who is also a Twilight fan. We squee-ed [Well, you tell me the past tense of "squee".] about Edward's sexiest moments, of which there were many.
When I got home from school, I checked my email... and then I curled up on the couch, read a little bit of Maurice, and then went to sleep. For about four or five hours. I needed that nap, man.
Oh, one Twilight-related thing I forgot to mention before, though it happened the day before yesterday. I was talking to Li in my creative writing class about how excited we were for Twilight, and Tammy -
remember Tammy? - piped up, "Oh, God, Twilight. I wish they'd make a movie about some real literature."
Alright, I am completely and utterly sick of people bashing Twilight. It's all fine and well to mock people who consider it to be great literature, but for those of us who know it's ridiculous, but who can't help liking it because it's so ridiculous, or those who are in it for the lulz.. WE KNOW IT SUCKS. WE KNOW. It's become such a cool thing to hate on Twilight. Like any of the people who rag on it read anyway.
So I snapped. It was a brief snap. It shocked me - I so rarely have these moments.. But there was no filter between my brain and my mouth. It must have had something to do with being in creative writing class, because automatically I speak and behave a little more freely in there, without worrying about what people think. Our class is just so open like that.
My mouth was moving and words were coming out. I only knew what I was saying when I heard it:
"Just shut the fuck up."
I'm pretty sure she heard me, but she didn't say anything. I was stunned at myself, but took up a little inward cheer as well. Tammy annoys the shit out of me anyway with her high-and-mighty-ness.
I'm still quite exhausted, so I'll recount the non-Twilight parts of today in the morning. Must shower and go to sleeeeeep.