Nov 18, 2008 23:01

So tonight I rented and watched V for Vendetta, and I have this to say:


[No, I am not referring to the drug derived from vampire blood, silly True Blood Truefans!]

And I can tell you the exact moment when I fell in love with him.

I thought, "OMG YOU ARE AWESOME" during the incredible V alliteration after he delivers a kickass beat-down to the Fingermen attacking Evey. I think my jaw literally dropped at his awesome in that scene.

But when I knew that I loved him.. It was when I saw all of his books. In the scene where Evey wakes up in his home. And we see all of his books. That is when I said, "MARRY ME."

So now I really want to read the original graphic novel. Which, by the way, was written by the same guy who wrote Watchmen. No real surprise there - they're extremely similar thematically, and in their tone.

By the way, did you know that Guy Fawkes Day is actually a celebrated holiday? Mostly in the UK and in other countries that were at one time or another British Colonies. Except for America, because George Washington banned the celebration among his troops as it was anti-Catholic and pro-British. I found out about Guy Fawkes Day being an actual, celebrated day when I was chatting about the movie with my mom - who is South African - and she said casually, "Oh, yeah, I remember lying in the grass and watching the fireworks." For a moment I was confused. "Were.. were you in the movie?" That was my silly American thought, but luckily I didn't say it aloud.

Also, I now see why so many of Anonymous wear Guy Fawkes masks to their protests.. Heavy symbolism like whoa! I knew it was something along these lines, but didn't know the full thing of it..

Anyway, I shall stop my fangirly chattering now.


comics, movies

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