Nov 05, 2008 01:56
America is like a pit bull.. A pit bull that has been abused by its owner, beaten, and forced to do terrible things. It lashes out now and then, and with its scars and ripped ears, it is a mean-looking creature.
And then one day it saves a kitten from a burning building. And suddenly it looks like there's hope for its "redemption".
That's kind of what this feels like. It feels like things have already begun to change. It feels good.
It's so weird, I've always hated politics, have always been cynical about America and Americans.. And here I am spouting weird metaphors like this and skipping around chirping about hope. It's probably just all the hype and excitement, and I'll be over it in a couple of days.
For now.. I don't mind being an American. Hell, I may even be a little proud of it.