....peachy keen....

Feb 13, 2008 18:38

Sooo... I've never really been one for Valentine's Day in the first place, having had 17 years in a row [and counting] of it without even the hint of a relationship.. but this Valentine's Day? Is way worse than usual, if the rumors turn out to be true..

There have been threats issued to my school of a shooting tomorrow. Yeah - scary. It could just be a prank being pulled by some stupid kids who have shit for brains, but.. I don't know. I just have a really bad feeling about it. Maybe it's because I was in Maryland when Virginia Tech happened, and so it was closer to home than usual.. but I just have this ominous feeling. The school is so freaked out by the threats that they've received [multiple threats, I might add] that we had a lock-down drill today and they sent letters home with all the students about the threats.

Luckily enough for me, I have had a dentist's appointment scheduled for tomorrow for quite some time.. And so in light of the rumors, and because she trusts my instincts, my mom agreed to let me stay home and ask the dentist's office for a note to excuse me from school that day. Not that it'll matter if the shit really does hit the fan.

In other, happier news, today was a lot warmer than it's been in a while, so my creative writing class took a trip to the Starbucks across the street. It was fantastic. I asked my [hot] teacher who he thought the funeral was for that Jack went to in the last episode of Season 3 of LOST. He said he kind of thought it was Ben's. I told him my theory was that it was Juliet ["Because when Jack told Kate about it she was all snippy and 'Why would I go?' and she's totally jealous of Juliet!"], and he agreed that it made a lot more sense. I felt oddly proud that he agreed with me. Ladies and gents, this could get bad.

tv, daily life, school

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