One fine day

Jun 04, 2007 10:20

Before I say anything else, I don't remember if I congratulated all of my lovely senior buddies on surviving their four years at Gettysburg or not... so, CONGRATS! I love all of you very much, and I'm really excited to continue hearing all about your lives as you continue on in life :) Karen - so happy that you have that job in NC. I know you'll do great, but I'm going to miss your late night library study sessions! Nick - so proud of you and know you'll rock it in the Peace Corps. Didn't I always tell you that you'd get in? Love you ;) All of my lovely seniors, I'm soooo very happy for you!!!

Today's a gorgeous sunny day in Miami (now that silly Tropical Storm Barry is finally over), and I'm as pale as a ghost, so I think I might just sit outside for a while one I'm done with this little post.

I was hired at Blockbuster and I had training Saturday - I get to start work tomorrow. Sweet deal, actually. It's really close to home, I get paid pretty well, and I have sweet perks. I'm thinking of maybe just having them transfer me up to the one in Gettysburg at the endd of the summer. Only prob is that one's a bit far from campus... c'est la vie. Anyways, I got to see my lovely sister (Chelsea) a few days ago and I really forgot how much I missed just seeing her lovely face! We got to hang out and talk, and eat a late lunch at Sir Pizza, and melt away into the lovely sounds of Irish music. It was bliss. I'm so sad that she's going to be gone for the rest of the summer, but I'm grateful I was able to spend such a good day with her.

In other news, the Spain trip for the beginning of July is getting even more complicated, but I swear, I'm going to figure this all out before the weeks end or I'm going to scream. I need to know what day and time the festival ends so that I can reschedule my flight, and need to get verification that my deposit was received! Bah. I guess all I can do for now is just send some more emails asking for the information... once again, I am baffled how some people are really so disorganized. It's a fesitval, for crying out loud! With people from all around Europe and America - you'd think there would be some sort of system.... nope, they just take things as they come. However, I think the mentality is if it ain't broke, don't fix it... and I guess that's understandable. *sigh*

Continuing on, Evan booked a flight to come visit me at the end of June! I'm really excited to see him again and I know we're going to have just as much fun as we did last time he was here. Another fun week in Miami! =^.^= Well, I'm off to go eat some breakfast and such. Hope everyone is enjoying their summers.
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