"Lets be a people that are known for the love we share not for the noise we make."

Nov 06, 2008 09:14

A friend of mine posted this earlier and I think it sends a good and correct message.


There is a quote that I love from the bible that says this: "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another" - John 13:35 Some (myself included) would say this as "And you will know us by our love" This is a very profound statement. What the writer of this passage is saying is, you will know me (what I believe in, what I stand for, the way I live my life) by the actions that ultimately show: Love.

Today was a very historic day for the American people. We elected an African American to the highest post in our country and some would say the world. We as a people have taken a massive step to defeat the disgusting racism that still exists in this country. I am proud to be an American and today it is that much sweeter.

I guess what I am bummed about tonight is the reaction by the gay community for the result of Prop 8. I watched the rallies on TV and saw thousands marching through the streets in protest, I heard stories of people in the group that were moving, to say the least. But what now? Do we protest until we get our way? I think that the answer is no.

You see, I think that we are in the middle of a dialogue. Our thoughts, our love for one and other cannot be shown through protest. Anger is shown through protest. (When I think of a modern protest I think of "God Hate Fags") And I get it, I am angry too, I am gay and I feel wronged. I understand what you are feeling. We as a people need to do something, yes, but it needs to be done smart because we are smart, it needs to be thoughtful because we are thoughtful and it needs to show the love that we have and share because we have love, the same love they have and we want to share it the same way they do.

We live in the year 2008 and we have the means to show people the way we are feeling in a smart, thoughtful, loving way. You cannot fight fire with fire, you cannot bomb for peace and you sure as hell cannot say you love something/one without showing it.

We are in a process and we are not done yet. We have the capability to do so much more, so lets. Lets be a people that are known for the love we share not for the noise we make.

This is not about you and the stories you can tell the next morning to your friends, this is about us and the lives we deserve to live.



I, as many other people, was very unhappy with the outcome of the election regarding Propostion 8. I also can understand how emotion can overwelm you after such a defeat on such a strong issue. However, protest is not always the correct answer and I'd even go as far to say most often NOT the correct answer. Obviously the majority of the supporters of this prop were religious. If there's something that most religious people know, especially Christians, it's the fact that sharing your beleifs  through prostest and anger is not nearly as effective as expressing it through love and caring. My favorite part of what Max said is, "you cannot bomb for peace ".

Take this for what you will, but I believe this guy is heading in the right direction.
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