On sleeping, part 2

Oct 02, 2011 13:19

...SOCIAL: There is a social experience with sleeping (i.e.: sleeping with someone else, cuddling, etc.)

STATUS SYMBOLISM: Of course, there is also a status symbolism involved - how big is one's bedroom and bed, etc.

ARTISTIC: There is an artistic presentational aspect to sleeping (think about all the emotional black and white photos you see with people lying in bed for whatever reason).

Anyways, just a few thoughts on sleeping.

Last last week, Jim was in town staying in Crystal City. I went to see him after class and arrived about 11:00 PM. Since it was so late, we went to Kramerbooks to eat. Remember in Washington, D.C., almost everything closes by 10:00 PM during the week and most of the city goes relatively dead shortly thereafter. I know Jim well enough that I know what he likes to eat and what he does not. He is more of a Western cuisine eater so I think accordingly. I believe their menu changes seasonally so I was able to have a barbeque rib type dish alongside an incredibly decadent [as it was called] dysfunctional family sundae. We sat outside like I always do there during the warmer months. I ended up meeting this girl studying at John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)...
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