...and 3.) the opportunity to meet people - either friends or a possible relationship.
For schools offering masters programs in computational finance, I am turned to VCU in Richmond, Virginia, American University in Washington, D.C., Columbia in New York, one or two others in New York, one or two in Boston, I think...one in Toronto or Montreal, a few schools in London including LSE, and a few schools in Paris including HEC. I will have to evaluate all of this in good time. For now, I am researching the possibility of doing a course or two over the winter break. The things I find appealing about European schools are: 1.) there is no GRE, GMAT or graduate exam AND 2.) it is a year program as opposed to two years in the U.S.
Anyways, on a lighter note, the weekend before classes started, I went out with Joel, Jesus, and Joel's friend. We went to Mixtape which was being hosted at the Rock and Roll Hotel on H Street. I was very much surprised about how H Street has been coming along very well. I have not been there for about a year and the pace of development is very interesting. I am considering the idea of doing my next real estate project there - particularly in Trinidad (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinidad_%28neighborhood%29 ). A couple of years ago, this area was so dangerous, the authorities would be pulling five dead bodies a night due to gang warfare. However, things are changing, the shooting has long stopped, and Trinidad is seen as hot by investors. It is right at the end of H St. so I am seriously contemplating this. I will see what Suzanne has to say...