Aug 22, 2004 20:30
hey hey!! oOmg i defunitely dont wanNa go to schoOl tmrw!! arGh its soO borinG!! I haD 2 chanGe my whOle joUrnaL loOk becausE itS not sumMer ne moRe..*teAr* i haVe banD afteR schoOl tmrw untiL 4:30 oO oOmg im getTin a farMerS taN just likE lasT yr..but heY itS not rele a big deAl cuz *thAnks to the DreSs coDe* i canT wear the skiRt length i LikE sO it wiLl nevA b visIblE..oO yah nd about thAt damN dresS coDe they r like bitChinG bouT it alL the tiMe its soO annoyiN if they'Re soO obsesseD w it wE mitE as WelL geT damN uniFormS..i MeaN i donT wanT eM buT i meAn everyoNe canT wear likE n e thinG IT SUCKS!! buT w/e schOol is soO gay nd flaGlinE so faR iS extreMelY strEsSful!! but i gottA go geT readii for manAnA!