1st weEk oF scHoOl finaLii oVeR!! yah! lol

Aug 22, 2004 00:55

hey hey!! wow i havent written in like forever! lol! well the 1st weEk of schoOl was oOk..my classes r oOk but now i think they kindA suck cuz all of a sudDen they got rele hard..nd i feEl so fricken behind..im toO dumb for my clasSes..lol nd its so stressfuL..i haVe rite noW: algebra 1 hoNorS..worLd hiStorY hoNors..spaNisH 4 honors..'nd baNd/arT 2D-3d..watS w all the fricken honoRs..!!?? omg its seriously sucks..the onlii goOd thing is that i kno a lotta pPl in my claSses! oOmg banD kindA sucks this yr..well flagliNe omg we have to have try outs b4 every game nd if we suck we dont march..thiS is the 1st yr theyre doin this nd i think its soO dumb..but i guess its jus so the show can b like the besT nd we dOnt sucK..soO..yah we had sectionals moNday till 430 band thursday till 430 nd then we had a fricken xtra practiCe on FridAy cuZ we "suCkeD" at marchin so we had to higH march nd loW marcH nd marK timE round the parKinG lot..oOmg it waS soO hotT i thoT it waS gunNa b soO easy..lol then like 1/4 till we were liKe finiShed i was like dyIn..lol..well basically alL i caN saY is im alreadii sick of schoOl..hW..nd baNd....oo yah..i had flagliNe tudaY from 8:30-12:30 nd i came hoMe nd i was so tired so i fell asleep nd woke up at like 11 pm so now im WIDE AWAKE nd im neva gunNa fall asleEp!!
buT i gotTa go soO ill ttyL..

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