"I'm Hanna Marin and I'm fabulous."

Jun 24, 2010 13:09

I Since school ended several things have happened.

+ I read the first 7 books of the Pretty Little Liars series in pretty much record time. I was going through  like 2 in one night ad now I need to read the last one. If anyone finds it online please hook me up because I'm dying to get my hands on it.

+ Glee finally finished and now that it's over ( Read more... )

hanna is hbic, unf! shay mitchell, pretty little liars, dianna agron is flawless~, l8n m33str, emily/maya, selena gomez

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takemeback June 24 2010, 20:56:25 UTC

IDKIDK I'm really pulling for Hanna's bf to be super gay, like Alex Lambert gay. I DON'T CARE WHAT THE BOOKS SAY; THIS WILL HAPPEN. lol but seriously, if his character's not supposed to be gay? Fire that actor immediately. :P

YESSSSS TO EMILY/MAYA. Btw, what happened to Maya's boyfriend? I remember her saying she had a boyfriend that lived a million miles away. Are we to assume they broke up, or did I miss that, or are we supposed to forget about him like she obviously did? haha.

Oh, Toby is definitely creepy, but he seems like sweet-creepy. lol what am I talking about, idk.

Alison IS good for being only 14 but every time I look at her I only see that little girl who was a cancer patient in one episode of House and somehow convinced Chase to kiss her, lmao.

She was annoying then, too.


sweet_illuzion June 24 2010, 21:26:16 UTC
They haven't mentioned it in the show but in the books Maya told Emily she broke up with her boyfriend.



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