"I'm Hanna Marin and I'm fabulous."

Jun 24, 2010 13:09

I Since school ended several things have happened.

+ I read the first 7 books of the Pretty Little Liars series in pretty much record time. I was going through  like 2 in one night ad now I need to read the last one. If anyone finds it online please hook me up because I'm dying to get my hands on it.

+ Glee finally finished and now that it's over I've picked up Pretty Little Liars and The Gates as my summer shows. They may not be the best shows ever but I'm hooked to PLL especially, but that was pretty much a given. I still have a long list of things I need to watch *sigh*

Okay I lied, LOTS of things happened :)

First of all I would just like to say WHY SO AMAZING DIANNA AGRON?? Seriously you guys it's like she's made of sunshine and rainbows and unicorns and everything good. Not only is she prime girl crush material she's prime MARRIAGE material. I swear. I would marry her in a heartbeat ♥ I'd hate to have to fight Lea for her because they. are. so. FETCH.

I still want to see whatever was happening at the very beginning of this gif  but then there's shoulder biting. SHOULDER BITING. I mean really.

Can I has them both?

Bonus! Dianna being all adorable in Kevin McHale's video Diary starting at 1:24. 

Asdgfhglhk';j'k  WHERE CAN I GET ONE?

In other news Pretty Little Liars is so horribly good. It's the kind of show you know better than to watch because you hate teen soap opera-y Gossip Girl-esque shows but you watch this one anyway because it's so damn good at the same time. So addicting.

I already have my favourites with Hanna being number 1 because she's just awesome. She was my favourite in the books too :) I didn't like book!Spencer but tv!Spencer is likeable so far and Aria who's storyline I breezed through the most in the books is all up in my face in the show too. Even though they cut out to each of the girls at some point, I feel like I'm seeing too much Aria and less of everyone else. Not cool. I do like it if said Aria scenes include Mr. Fitz because he's just so 'I want to eat him with a spoon' yummy.  As a recapper on AfterEllen so ably noted, he's really Gilbert Blythe-ish which is so so true. I feel like swooning every time he smiles. Hanna's boyfriend isn't bad either but he made Hanna sad :(  I totally understand where he's coming from though and the viewers are so quick to say "OMG he's GAY!" lol Just because a teenage boy is refusing to have sex doesn't mean that he is. He's just super protective of his virginity you guys. Plus his dad's a pastor *shrug*  Wren (Spencer's love interest) shouldn't be around for much longer but I'm a sucker for British accents. YUM.

And then there's Emily. Emily Emily Emily. What is it with adorable gaybies named Emily? First Skins now this and LOL

soure: AfterEllen Recap

People don't really like the Emily/Maya storyline because it's awkward/ no chemistry. It's too bad I can't say the same. I see some sparks flying there no matter how dull and I think Shay (Emily) is doing a good job at being confused about what she wants. And it's pretty obvious she likes Maya. The point is it's supposed to be awkward with this being the first girl she's liked since Alison and all. Plus she has an uber douchey boyfriend with a mouth that clings onto her like a suction cup. AWKWARD.

Man does Maya work fast though. In the span of two episodes she's gotten into Emily's bed (not in the way that you'd think perv) even before Emily's boyfriend Ben. Then every time she says something to Emily when they're alone it's so.... blatantly suggestive added to the fact that every time she looks at  the girl it's like she wants to EAT HER (literally). Heh.  But who can blame her?

They kissed, I flailed, let's see where this goes. Unfortunately I have the sinking suspicion that Emily's going to go into the denial phase where she'll slowly slip back into the closet, deny her feelings and start dating  a boy (Toby?) but I also get the feeling that that plan will fail. MISERABLY.

I will not be ashamed but I totally have to rewatch the episodes after I watch them on TV because when Emily's on the screen I literally don't hear anything she says because I'm too busy looking at her FACE and her HAIR. She makes my hair fetish go into full effect because really? It's goregous. She's gorgeous.

I also can't end this post before mentioning my new ship Selena/Leighton aka SEIGHTON which totally sounds like Satan so you can call them Leilena.  Imagine my surprise when I hear Leighton Meester was doing a movie with Katie Cassidy (win) and Nicole Kidman. Imagine my even greater surprise when I found out Selena Gomez and the loveable Cory Montieth were also a part of the cast. AWESOME.

So now Cory calls Katie Leighton and Selena the Trifecta of Awesome. I loved the idea of all of them becoming friends and I'm beyond happy that it's actually coming true. Leighton with her really affectionate self and Selena who's also affectionate are like ALL OVER each other. My favourite kind of thing.


This post was really long but whatever.

hanna is hbic, unf! shay mitchell, pretty little liars, dianna agron is flawless~, l8n m33str, emily/maya, selena gomez

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