Jan 01, 2012 23:48

I thought I should start off the new year by writing my very first entry for the year of 2012!

Sorry that I haven't been updating as often as I used to. I really hope that I can get back to blogging as often as I do before but it's hard when life gets so busy and hectic, especially when I am HARDLY ever home now. Seriously, I'm only home to sleep and then I'm like gone for the whole day until late at night when it's time to sleep again. Sigh.

A lot of things have happaned in the past 2 months and it's too much for me to type everything out so to make this entry short and simple, let's just say life hasn't been so great for me in the past 2 months. Lots of arguments, stress, tears, joy, devastation and a whole bunch of other mixed emotions.

I'm hoping 2012 will be a good year and things will somehow get better.

2012, life: personal, new year

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