Halloween & YesStyle Purchases!

Oct 29, 2010 22:48

I LOVE walking down my street and neighbourhood on Halloween and Christmas! I have to say, I must live on the best street ever. Every Halloween and Christmas, there is always amazing decorations up in my area. I have been living in the area that I live in for over 14+ years already and I love it here so much that I don't ever want to move!! =D

Love this house's decorations! 

These two house are just a FEW houses away from me. lol.

I love how this house has yellow "caution" tape all around their house. lol. And sorry I couldn't take a good front view picture because I was taking this in a hurry so I don't get caught by people of me trying to take a picture of their house! They might think I'm some stalker freak, LOL! XD

This house is ALWAYS so pretty and nice on both Halloween and Christmas. It's actually one of the houses I think that has the BEST decorations every year on my street.

Same house again but I took this at night with all the lights lighted up so you can see what the house actually looks like at night. Isn't it awesome?! =)

But I have to say this year's decoration isn't as great compared to the years before! I guess it's because there has been different people moving in and out from my neighbourhood and there's always the lack of time and money too! I remember in my younger years, there's used to be SO MUCH more amazing Halloween decorations in my area & street....there was even a self-made coffin one year when I went trick-or-tricking in my neighbourhood and some guy was actually LYING inside the coffin dressed up as a vampire and he would suddenly pop up and scare people while there was creepy music playing in the background!
I remember I used to LOVE going trick-or-treating in my area when I was younger because of all the amazing houses and docorations. My area is always like a ghost town on Halloween.
 I miss going trick-or-treating!! Now I could only watch and look at all the awesome decorations in my neighbourhood. Oh, and there was always one thing I loved about Halloween on my street is that I LIVE NEAR A CHOCOLATE FACTORY!!! It's like less than 5 minutes away from my house and I would used to go to the chocolate factory EVERY year to get free chocolates and they give you HANDFUL of chocolates out for FREE! Ain't that so awesome?! I actually want to go to the chocolate factory this year on Halloween just to get some free chocolates, hahaha!

And I ordered some stuff from YesStyle a few weeks ago and received it in the mail on Tuesday!

Ribbons pattern tights from CatWorld.

Leopard print pattern tights also from CatWorld.

Heart print pattern tights from CatWorld.

I wanted to get some FUN and CUTE tights for the winter/fall so I decided to get these. I am in love with different pattern tights. I now have like a whole collection of them. lol. There is still one more tights that I'm planning to order from YesStyle that seems to be a really big hit item for this winter but I'll wait~ (when I have money to order, that is XD)

Got this super cute and simple knit top from OrangeBear because I could use this for layering with some stuff that I have in my closet and also because it's a good and simple key item for layering tops. I'm always lacking basics when it comes to finding things that match in my closet of clothes so this was just perfect! I got this for $23 but I just realized when I was checking YesStyle yesterday that there's a exact same one from the ZOO that's like $32 that just got added to their catalog. I'm SO GLAD I got this at a better deal. 

I got this denim skinny overall from Wonderland. I like that it's SKINNY tight style and that it's got a patch on it and looks a bit distressed and I LOVE the wash on it too. I've been wanting to get a jeans overall for the LONGEST time and I was so glad when I found this. 
 However, now I'm just missing some boots to go with them. I want to pair them with uggs.

I'm actually ordering more stuff from YesStyle at the moment but it's mostly skincare stuff. lol. There actually isn't really much clothes that I want to buy this winter except for a few key items that I've been wanting to get. I already got most of my winter stuff last year so I really don't have much to buy this year. The things that I really want to get this winter is actually some cute and comfy home wear clothes and I think I'm good to go this winter! This winter, I actually don't want to spend too much on clothing and just rewearing what I can with what I have in my closet to create different style and looks. More than always wanting to buy new clothes to create new and different looks, I actually want to use what I already have to create new and different looks so that I could wear my favourite pieces and clothes more often. I realize that whenever I tend to buy new clothes, I forget about wearing my old ones which aren't really  "old" items yet, but they're just items that I've only worn like maybe once and twice. I don't want do that again this year. I want to rewear my favourite items as much and in as many ways as possible to create new looks that will make me LOVE them and wear them for more than just once or twice on ocassions that I wear them for. I think sometimes fashion isn't about how much clothing you own, it's more about how you reuse them in your outfits to create new looks and styles.

I went to visit my kids at placement today and they were all dressed up for Halloween! I took some pictures of them but I cannot post them here on my blog due to private issue reasons. The moment I stepped into the room, I was greeted with lots of hugs and one kid was even hugging me with both of his arms wrapped around my neck that I almost suffocated! LOL. One girl asked me if I'd come back to visit again next Friday and I said maybe, maybe sweetie. lol. I don't want to make a promise to her when I don't know if I can even keep it. XD It's not good to lie to kids and break your promises and I don't want her to be disappointed if I have promised to come and couldn't/didn't come. According to my teacher, she told me the girl has been saying "lisa is coming today!" over and over again the whole time and I really did came. AWWW. That's so sweet! She really does miss me a lot and was actually looking forward for me to come visit today because I told her I'd come on my last day. I could see from the smile on her face that she was really happy that I came today. I miss the kids so much already even though it's only been a week! I want to go back and visit again sometime before Christmas! =D

yesstyle, halloween

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