Jan 01, 2010 20:24



I thought I'd be updating more since it's the holidays but I've been so extremely lazy that I haven't been putting my break into good use, lol. Also, I thought I'd get more sleep during my winter break (since I don't have work or school) but it turns out that I've been LACKING MORE SLEEP than I was in school. Thus I've been feeling so lazy and have no energy or motivation to do anything.

But because it's a new year, I need to start getting my butt to work and not waste precious time~

I was originally planning to take some photos of my new hair colour that I did a week ago but my digital camera’s acting weird because I can no longer find the “set function” that I always use. I did something to it a week or two ago and now it won’t change back! And then I tried taking a few photos with my cellphone camera and my battery was dying after a few shots, haha. *total fail* XD


2009 has been a good year for me and lots of things have changed and so have I changed. I think I've changed in a better way though. I've learned to be happier with myself and just try my best at what I could do. In the past, I think I was judging my life too much on results and high hopes and expectations that I'd feel so depressed whenever things don't go the way as I want them to be. But isn't that part of what makes life interesting? In this past half a year, I have learned to accept and love myself more and just be happy with what I have. Or perhaps it's that part of me that always want things to be perfect that's really pulling me down. Wanting things to be perfect is great but often at times it also makes me appreciate myself less and not being able to notice the little things around me that make me happy. But I think the most important thing that happened in 2009 for me is I’m finally able to find a goal in life, a goal that I really want to work hard to achieving. I've always had a goal but at the same time I wasn't sure if it was the right direction to go in life. But this year, something made me feel more positive of about this goal and now I really do what to work hard towards it.

I WANT TO BLOG MORE!! I really do despite school taking up 90% of my time and getting in the way of blogging, I want to blog at least ONCE a week, because I want to be able to look back at my blog and see how I've changed. I also want to try more new styles of clothes and make more use of my cellphone camera. I feel like I haven't put it in any good use ever since I got it so I want to use it more. I've ordered A TON of new clothing this winter online but I just haven't gotten the chance to wear them yet because I haven't been going out for almost a week! LOL. But next week I'll be going out the whole week so I'd probably be able to wear my new winter attire and put use of my cellphone camera more. Fashion has become my life now and I'm pretty much thinking about what to get everyday, lol. But well, when you're single and your only enjoyment is pleasing yourself and be able to look good, shopping and clothes will become your best friend! Okay. That's not the real reason why I buy a bunch of clothes and love dressing up. The real reason is I want to improve my looks and just being able to have more confident in myself. Growing up, I was never able to buy myself pretty clothes and I was always envious of others who did. Therefore now that I'm older and have the money to buy myself things, I want to treat myself the very best I could because youth doesn't last forever. I want to be able to look back later years in life and be able to see the "different looks" I went through...to sort of improve for the better each year. But for 2010, I want to improve better in all aspects in my life, whether if it be in school, beauty, fashion, friends, and family. I want to try my very best and work hard and be able to look back at the end of 2010 and say to myself: I really made good use of my year!

And this is totally random, but I want to add some pictures in this post to lighten the all the serious talk in this post, lol. And because pictures make long post with texts more interesting. =)


The little mascot running around on my phone screen changed again. On Christmas, it changed to santa clothes and today it changed to the traditional Japanese clothing that people wear on new year in Japan. (I forget what they are called, lol) But you know those traditional wear that Yamapi wore for the Johnny's Countdown 2008-2009? Basically I think it changes whenever it's a special day but it follows the Japanese calendar and events. I wonder what it'd change to on Valentines Day because apparently they have two Valentines Day in Japan. (February 14th and White Valetines Day)

And lastly, best wishes in 2010!  ♥

new year

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