I have been debating this decision for quite a while, and, given the current circumstances, it seems like the right time.
my recent shift to being more selective in what I post, the number of icons per post has gone down significantly. My change in direction has meant that I simply do no make the sheer number of icons that I used to. My former icon count per post used to be at least 100, and now it is at most around 50, and posts are made much less frequently (but are, hopefully, of a higher quality). As a result, there is now a much lower chance of running out of bandwidth than there was before. Therefore:
I have decided to lift the member’s only status of
sweet__tea for future posts.
For the sake of ease and organization, all posts made prior to November 2009 will remain locked. Also, certain aspects of the community, such as request posts, will also remain members only for those who do wish to join.
I want to again thank those who have joined
sweet__tea and stayed around over the years. I know how much of a hassle it was, and I truly appreciate it. I will not be eliminating the option to be a member, and if you choose to remain one, there will be MO request posts and other benefits open to you in the future. And if you do choose to leave the community, or to simply watch it, that’s fine too. So long as my icons are liked and used and my few rules respected, I am a happy camper.
While I do not foresee this, if in the future I again have major bandwidth issues, either due to hotlinking or excessive traffic, I may have to revisit the member’s only option. I am not planning on this, however, and my hope is to keep
sweet__tea public indefinitely.
Over the next few days, I’ll be updating the community to reflect it’s new status, and will hopefully be able to make a new icon post (possibly in a new fandom) soon as well. Any questions or comments regarding the above are more than welcome. Thank you.