29. Shake it like a dollar of five or ten...

Apr 23, 2004 00:11

Eh yesterday was fine I guess
We did like nothing in Bio or Spanish
I talked to Yvonne about PHS and Gabriel, she was the one there last week.
I didn’t want to go to intramurals so I asked Mrs. Conijn if I could stay up on the terrace to do history hw. She said no and I had to go down to the volleyball courts. I decided to have Tania come with me and I sat down at the table while she checked into her study hall. Well Mrs. Oien decided to be a bitch and wouldn’t let anyone go anywhere. So I ended up staying at the table the whole time. Well towards the end of the activities periods, Mrs. Conijn walked past and saw me and was like I thought we had an agreement and I told her that I was waiting for Tania and then forgot. And she said she told the office I was ‘missing’ (basically, she said I ditched). And so I was a little worried that I’d get in trouble.
We had that damn Catcher in the Rye test. I knew most of the stuff, but I didn’t read the last two chapters. So that was a little harder.
Afterr school I played the drums for like 2 minutes and I went to Delta to enroll in driver’s training.
Smallville was alright. It’s been so long since I’ve watched it.
So I basically spent the night waiting for my dad to go to bed cause Anthony was gonna pick me up.
Me: so you're flaking on me huh?
Anthony: do you want me to pick you up
Me: yea i have everything set so i can get out and back in
Anthony signed off at 10:40:50 PM.
So yea. He never came. Today he told me that his cell phone gets no service at his house. I didn’t want to call his home phone though cause that makes noise that wakes parents and they get mad. Mad parents that are awake aren’t good for sneaking out.

Ugh. I wanna sneak out once sooo bad. Someone please take me and not flake out on me!!

So then today was another day.
Religion wasn’t bad. We did notes. Eh. Then moral dilemmas. Mine about TJ’s friends was the only one in the box so we talked about that. So now everyone in the class knows about the stupid 8th graders. Then, stupid people played Good Charlotte for prayer and they played the worst GC song possible… "Hold On". Yuck. But then we went down to the bird cage and that was fun.
Um Geometry test today. I was pretty easy except two questions. Mr fucking Holmes always writes the tests himself and he sucks at it. He always forgets congruency marks and shit and says everything we need to solve the problem is there. Oh yea, I was in geometry right? And well I drifted off into a dream land and I ended up thinking about the thing that makes me melt!! I’ll explain later on in this entry. But so I also ended up writing a song. sortta.
Lunch was lunch. Oh yea, from yesterday, we have 37 piercings at our table.
We had a history test today and even though I didn’t read most of the chapter, I don’t think I failed! I’m trying to be nicer to Mrs. Carter and smile a bit in that class.
Drivers ed was egh. We ditched for like 10 minutes and I felt so bad. It was so boring. I found out I got an 86% on the Catcher in the Rye test. I looked at the other scantrons and there were about 3 people above me in my class.
After school, we went to the locker room and played drums. And I was doing that lesbian act on Tania and she freaks out. She goes along with it better now, but not really. She was gunna give me the gum in her mouth and I’m like ok but at the last second, she jumps away and screams. lol what a freak. She found some of that stuff they use to paint lines on the grass and we were gonna graffiti a bush, but we didn’t know what to write. Then I was playing with the athletic tape and Tania decides to tape me up. She’s spinning me around and yea. Then I went to take it off and she taped it to my hair too so I had problems getting it out. I lost hair there.
That was my day at school.

The Mom
My mom’s being a bitch too. She called and like she asked if we could stay late on Sunday so we could go to my aunt’s birthday (I’m so sick of “parties” at my aunt’s house). I told her that I wanted to go back at 6 like normal then she decided I’m “unflexible” and she’s gonna pick me up at 1 tomorrow like the schedule says instead of 10 cause I just have registration. I’m like fine. And now she’s saying that I can’t be here for my brother’s birthday like we planned cause I’m “unflexible.” Bitch! And I can’t spend the weekend at Kalen’s since she’s going to a wedding on Friday, plus she’s grouned. Fuckness!! This weekend looks like it’s gonna be hell!! I need to be gone as much as possible so I don’t say or do anything I shouldn’t.

The Plan
I was talking to my dad and Michelle about this and my dad was saying that I should try and talk to her and change the schedule. She’s gone all day Saturday anyways and then Friday and Saturday nights, I go out. So our idea is that I spend time with her Friday afternoon till 4 or 6 and then I go back to my dad's and go out. Then I see her again on Sunday. Like noon to 6 or something. Thats like the only time we spend together anyways. I mean She picks me up on Friday at one and takes me to Kalen's by 5 or 6. Then she picks me up on Sunday mornings and I watch TV the rest of the day. I mean we could plan on doing something so its like we see eachother. And I'll get to sleep at home and go out with more freedom. But see, being the person she is, she won't be able to just agree to that. No. She'll argue and yell and get mad at me and blah blah blah. But honestly, I don't see what difference it makes where I sleep.

I really wish that I could be like "Oh yea mom, we snuck into a rated R movie" and she'd be like "Oh what movie? How was it?" not "OMG I can't trust you!! Why do you lie to me! You're grounded!!!" Like I tell my dad and he's like oh. And I tell him that this guy we barely know drove us to Target and later that day, he decided to talk to me and all he said was to be careful cause he doesn't want anything to happen to me. I didn't get it trouble. He didn't say I can't do it again. See that's why my dad is so cool. He only says no if he really has a reason. And I always understand his reason for saying no. But even then, he leaves it up to me. Last time he said no was we wanted to go to the bowling alley at midnight and he said he didnt really want us to cause they close at 1. But even then, he didn't say no.

Other News...
• Oh I told Tania to dump Kevin so we can pimp the boys together.
• My brother called one of the girls at his school a big fat whale. Lol.
• Everyone say hi to Tim Murphy!!
• Loryn has a picture of Tal (the one with the pretty eyes) in her LJ. I think I'll steal it when my internet works right again.
• WILLY!!! hahahaha! Brittish dick!! Hes cute though. I got a pic of him too and one of Justin. Justin fits my typical guy appearance and I'm intersted to get to know him. And Willy is cute too. I kept seeing him like staring at me when we were talking to Justin's family last weekend. haha.
• Music rocks
• Anthony feels bad about last night and said he owes me a ride.
• Honor's mom wont let her buy her own drum set and Tania's mom agreed to lie about where Honor was if she talked to her mom. Dude, don't parents ever realize that they're not the only ones lieing to other kid's parents? lol.
• I have a feeling I'm gonna have a rep soon. Too bad. I feel like being all seductive and then leaving. I'll be a "tease"
• My dad obviously doesnt want me going to PHS. He say's I'd be getting Ds and Fs there.

My Weakness
Ok so, I was remembering this one time when I was with a boyfriend and we were sitting on a bench, doing stuff and I wanted to do more than we were, but there were people walking by pretty close to us. So I just sortta ‘teased’ him. So that made me remember my weakness. I was remembering how great it feels when a guy touches my weak spot. Wanna know my weak spot? I won’t let just anyone to my weak spot though. Put your hand on my hip bone, right under the waistband of my pants, and then slowly move it towards my other hip bone, following the curve of my stomach. OMG that is like a totally amazing feeling!
For the guys I don’t know so well, just be gentle. Arms around my waist or touching my legs is pretty nice.

I was writing more today…Nothing complete...
This is the geometry one...
Sitting here alone
Thinking bout you
Touching you, feeling you
Kissing your lips
At times I miss you
I miss what we shared
The innocence, the love
The way you cared

I want you back
But I don't want you
I want you back
But that's not true

And this one, I heard the first line in a song by Eve as I was walking out the door and I the next like just popped into my head as I heard it.
People hear me when I talk
But they don't know what I'm sayin

Anthony: i owe you a ride this weekend on?
Anthony: ok?
Anthony: if i dont give you one ill give you 10 dollars

Me: do you have any plans yet?
Anthony: yeah
Anthony: but i can go out of my way to take you somehwere

Me: you cant be like perfect with everyone you meet. every person you meet can help you learn who you are if you choose to. you can choose to learn what you like and what you dont like about people and be the person you want to be and learn who you want in life
Max: yea those are good words
Me: when i stop seeing a guy, i hafta stop and think why it didn't work out and make a mental note of it so i dont do it again. eventually, i'll know exactly what i want in a guy and i'll know that he's mr right when i find him because ive done that
Max: yea thats really good to do
Me: so what did you learn from her?
Max: i don't know yet

Me: yea well when you're a parent, remember the things she does that you don't like, and don't do them
Kalen: i definately won't
Kalen: we need to like rent a apartment together when we move out
Kalen: gawd
Me: lol
Me: i dont
Me: i'll live here
Kalen: live w/ someone so much more positive
Kalen: ok i'll move in w/ you lol jk
Me: haha
Me: i'd end up killing you if you lived with me. especially if there was just one computer
Me: lol

Gabriel: ill ttyl sweet thang

Anyone ever gotten in trouble for ditching?
Should I go to PHS?
Who's gonna help me sneak out?
Do you play any instruments?
Why do your parents suck?
Any suggestions for dealing with my mom?
What do you think of my songs (the one from Tuesday too... Run Away)?
How many people have you kissed? (pecks dont count, real kisses)
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