Jul 05, 2006 00:36
Wow I have just been offered the most amazing opportunity yet again. This friday I get to spend a day in the OR at PRHC. IM so happy and excited. I asked my doctor (the one who took my tonsils out)if it would be possible to shadow him for a day and he said yes. ITs amazing the opportunities that I have been given this year.
This year I have:
-Seen a PICC line be put into my patient
-Seen a CAT scan
-Seen a Ulcer vac put on
-Seen a CAD pump be put to work.
-Helped to deliver a Baby
-Seen a D and C
-Spent the day in dialysis
-Spent 2 days in the ER working
-Put a few catheters in
-Given a bunch of needles
-Had a 3 month old baby for a patient (something that is not done till 3rd year)
-Seen my paitent die and prepared the body for the funeral home (I know this is not the best thing but it is an amazing experience that not a lot of people get to do)
-Spent a day in the OR. (this friday)
And next year one of my clinicals is a sick kids hospital.
I have done things that students in fourth year haven't. I truely have been blessed.