Ok, SO I'm on the other side of the world, but I'm still curious as to what people think... It's not like I can hop on a plane and come hunt you down LOL! But this Johari Nohari stuff sounds like fun and I'd love to see what ya'll think of me in the positive and negative light lol.... So go ahead, have some fun analyzing your Favorit Lao Wai!
here's the linky dink:
http://kevan.org/johari?name=sweems Negative:
http://kevan.org/nohari?name=seweems Yeah, I should learn how to copy and paste, I really should but I don't know how cause I'm a computer illiterate person who knows no better.
Oh by the way, I still check this journal to see how you are doing when I can, but for security reasons I had to start another space while here... So... Please come by my new space and check out what's been happening here- I even have PICTURES.... PICTURES OF ME... PICTURES OF CHINA... PICTURES OF ME IN CHINA!!!!! You know you want to see LOL! ;-) I hope you all are well, I miss you so much and hope to hear from you when possible!
Anyway, here's the link for that:
http://spaces.msn.com/members/sweemsthelaowai/ Seriously, I update it often and you'll get the nitty gritty of my life here- Leave me Some LOVE!!!!
Peace Out,
The One and Only Sweems!