May 23, 2015 18:52
Dropped off groceries for Tom and Thomas to put away while I went to pick up James. Tom called. Not good news. The freezer in the back hall had stopped working in the last few days and everything had defrosted and was at room temperature. Some stuff had even started growing.
So I came home and proceeded to empty the contents of the VERY smelly freezer. It filled our 50 gallon garbage can so I had to go and buy a new trash can since well ya know, normal garbage day is Friday and the inside can was already full. Then I had to use the sump pump to get all the nasty water out. We had 2 or 3 turkeys, a spiral sliced ham, flour, berries, bread, etc. all garbage. grrrrr
Of course to get it out of the back hall we had to take the door frame off the back deck door and take the hall door off it's hinges, and the screen door mechanisms off. In pulling it out we decided to see if it still worked or had just come unplugged from it's extension cord. It was still plugged in to the extension cord but when we unplugged it the ground prong came out and stayed in the extension cord. We plugged it in to the wall and ta-da, it worked. Since we had been talking about getting rid of it and getting something smaller we decided to go ahead and get it out. I posted it on a yard-sale FB page and it was claimed almost immediately.