Jun 14, 2011 18:47
Well I finally got paid. Of course it was like getting blood from a turnip. I asked him repeatedly after my last post. He went out to do an estimate and I asked him if he would be back before 4 so I could get a check. "I think so, probably."
When he got back I asked him again and told him I needed it before 4:30 so I could get it in the bank before 5. I asked him for it again at 4:30. He still hadn't written it.
At 4:50 I went back to his office and he was figuring it. FINALLY! I watched him do it all and as he was finishing up and starting to print he looked at me and said, "you know I hope I don't get audited, I haven't been taking taxes out on you." That's my problem, how? It was his damn idea, he has done it every time I have worked for him except when I was in high school and was taking a class (co-op) so I could leave early to work for him-at his request/insistence and had to have a stub and figure the taxes myself! I even had to drop two classes I had been trying to get into for 2 years so I could take co-op!
I have worked for him since 1991. I took off for a few years (2004-2009) to go back to school and have James and now I am back and it's the same shit different day! I think my total years, including working as needed when he went out of town, is about 15 years now. I am making less now than I made in '04, I do more work- ie; fix his screw-ups and am paid less.
This bull shit settles it, I am officially, actively looking for another job and as soon as I find one or Tom is working full time again I am gone.
Working for him is bad for my mental and physical health and I'm OVER IT!