May 14, 2003 19:17
I had such a great day, until I came home. So I'll tell about the great day part first. I have been with Ms Dyer's class all week. Teaching went great! The kids Love me. They were all upset when I told them I wouldn't be there tomorrow, Mr. Braun, HS World Geography got to me first (three weeks ago.) But they were thrilled when I told them I would be back on Monday and Tuesday (they have a field trip on Friday), possibly more than that. I told Marilyn I would be there as much as she needed me to be. I really love her class. And they love me :-) Plus, I have a job for Friday, both Mr. Brown and Ms Bryant need someone for Friday, so my calendar is really filling up. I am really happy doing this. I want to go back to school.
I met Debbie Berry (director of Special Ed) yesterday. She told me to come down to the Dept. of Ed. and fill out an application for a full time teachers aide position for special ed., they are looking for a female. I could do it, it's only 6.50 an hour, 7 hours a day, but it comes with full benefits, 12 months a year pay. I think it would be good foothold. Not that much less than I am making now, plus it has benefits (i.e. insurance woooohoooo) I don't know if I should or not. I really need to pray on it. Some arrangements would have to be made for the boys, but as an Aide I could leave at 3. As a sub I have to wait until kids are gone, 3:30. I want so badly to teach. These last few days with these kids, I have really gotten a taste of what I want. Hell Marilyn came to the school as I was leaving (at 3:45) and I ended up staying until 5:30 with her, trying to work on some of the kids’ web-site stuff. I couldn't believe it :-) It was happy:-) I could do this everyday. It's funny, cause today, the kids weren't even that great. I caught one girl cheating, taking Accelerated Reader tested for a boy she likes, turns out it was 3. She thought he was mad at her, so she took the tests for him hoping he could go to the pizza party with her? I don't know who knows why 6th grade girls do these things? Anyway, had to have the tests taken off both of their grades in the computer. Everyone else was a bit wild today too. The end is near so control by someone new is almost impossible. But still it was great and I loved it: -D
Coming home was another story. The house is a shambles as usual. Tom does absolutely nothing to help keep it clean. That really bothers me. It seems that like everyday when I come home, it's worse than the day before, even if I cleaned the night before. The kids are fighting. And being loud, not being helpful, bickering, I hate coming home anymore. I hate coming home to a mess. I hate coming home to find more stuff Thomas has gotten evidently it was a jar of Peanut Butter. I wish we had a maid, or a magic genie or something!
5/14/2003 07:17:00 PM