Mar 24, 2004 17:12
Hi dee Ho all! It's been, yes, it's been. Really good Monday, pretty good Tuesday, and so-so Wednesday. I guess it's lookin like my week has been going downhill. Yup it sure has. I'm in a pissy mood right now, Nothing has gotten done today by anyone but me...and I haven't done all that much.
Tom is dizzy and just can't seem to get a grip on it. I wish I knew why he was so dizzy, or there was something I could do to help him. I am mad because Tony was supposed to go to work with my Dad today and he slept all day, yes he just arose. He went to bed around midnight last night, got up with the boys between 7:30 and about 9:30 this morning, but was crashed back out in bed when I got up at 10, and it's 5p.m. now and he's just getting up again. That's just irritating to me. Tom didn't get up until almost 2 but he went to bed at 5:30a.m.
I guess I just hate the fact that there are 4 adults in this house, no one is working except me, and that's only part time while I go to school, and still nothing gets done, and the boys still go unsupervised. Dad is giving Tony some work, but on his third day (today) he doesn't show up, and I know how my father is about that. Plus I am the only one doing some things, between homework, and school. I shouldn't complain though, Sherrie has been putting the kids to bed everynight, and Liz and Sherrie have been bathing them on a regular basis. It's just that sometimes the money situationand the lack of a clean house really get to me.I guess I can't expect my house to stay clean for long.
The smell of the litter box is really bothering me. I wish they let their cats go outside to shit. The entire basement smells like shit all the tme, and now it has been moved to the bottom of the stairs, so the scent waifs up. At least now we have the baby gate up over our room so Waffles can't get in there and shit in our closet anymore. Now we'll just have to keep the door closed so the rest of the smell doesn't waft in there. The trials of indoor cats. I'm just glad the other 3/4 are outdoor cats. Well 3, but Lucy will be once she gets fixed.
Ah the stresses of RL. I need to stop dwelling and cmplaining and go finish cleaning up the living room that Sherrie started, and wash some more dishes before I start dinner....oh yeah and then there is the laundry to do...Shit! I don't want to do all that, but I know if I don't it won't get done. Besides I took a nap yesterday afternoon and got nothing done last night but homework, so I better get a move on. Time's awastin'!
3/24/2004 05:12:00 PM |