OKAY...Here's a more specific one for those who wanted it.....GuEsS wHo YoU aRe?!?!?!?

Oct 29, 2004 12:25

1. You are my big sister. Even though you are only four months older than me, and our blood types don't match, you are still my big sister. I miss you like crazy...I feel like distance has caused us to grow apart somewhat. I want to go back to the days when all we did was sleep in really late and get up and eat canned food (especially corn haha)...and make gingerbread houses with frosting made out of powdered sugar and water (ewww lol). I miss you Teeny!!!!

2. You are my little sister. Like the first entry, our blood types don't match, but you are still my little sister. (Even though you aren't little....I mean jeeze, you've kissed a guy and I haven't!!! How backwards is that??? lol) I miss you soo much...distance has caused us to barely see each other. Remember the times when you, Teeny and I would roast mini marshmallows on toothpicks over candles??? lol...haha those were good! And remember the fun times we had at First Lutheran?? O man, too much good stuff! I miss you Chet! (p.s. Don't you just love how we came up w/ that nickname?!?!?! lol)

3. You are a friend I don't get to see very often, but when I do, I have soooo much fun hanging out with you. Even if we are only getting coffee, we still have a good time just hanging out together. I also hope that one of these days you will realize just how beautiful you are. And your fun and energetic personality makes you even better. I miss you...I hope we get a chance to hang out soon.

4. You are just you...haha I don't know how to describe you. You are hilarious and random, yet you are sincere and caring. You are a total nutcase (well not literally haha), but you make so much sense. I will never forget that awkward movie we made together my senior year......haha can you say porn scene??? (lol...grapes, wine....how much more cheesy can you get?? lol) Oh, and my butt is still sore where you slapped the hell out of it during your sweet sixteenth birthday party!! haha lol

5. I have never been able to understand you, but I respect your firm beliefs and your strong emotions. You have always looked at things in life in a more unique way than most people, and I applaud the fact that you stick to what you believe in and will not let any objections keep you from feeling the way you do about certain things. I remember the first time we had a class together...I think it was 7th grade history...I can't believe we've known each other for so long haha.

6. Just yesterday I realized for the first time ever that you don't mean as much to me as I thought you did. I must have been living in the past, because when I saw you, I had absolutely no attraction to you whatsoever. Not just physically, but personality-wise as well. It's not like there's anything wrong with you--it's just that I don't find you interesting anymore. Maybe the series of negative impacts you have had on my life finally outdid the series of positive impacts you have had on me. However, I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for you. I am so grateful to you for helping me to find myself as a person, and identify my true strengths and weaknesses. I can safely say that I am happy to have you as an acquaintance in my life, and I am sorry if I ever did anything to frustrate or upset you. I hope that one day I can get to know you again, for I honestly can't say that I have any clue whatsoever of what kind of person you are, and how you are different from the way you used to be. Thanks for being such an important influence in my life up until now.

7. You are so helpful to me in so many ways. I am so happy to know that you are one of the most genuine friends that I've ever had. I wish we could talk more, but it seems as if circumstances would have it that we don't have much of an ability to do so. Thanks for always being there for me, even if we are gazillions of miles away from each other.
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