Title: No Reasons Needed
Pairing: Kamenashi Kazuya x Kato Shigeaki
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Word count: 716
Summary: One stormy evening Kato suddenly turns up at Kame’s apartment.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
A/N: Written for
changetje who answered my desperate plea for a prompt and she gave me KameShige and Thunder. I hope you’ll enjoy it! ♥
The thunderstorm they had promised on the weather forecast came, and that with a boom. Outside it is pouring down and it is tight between the flashes that lighten up the otherwise gray sky. The sounds have scared Jelly into hiding under Kame’s bed, but Ran-chan is keeping it cool next to Kame on the couch. Kame is curled up under a fluffy blanket, a book in his lap and cup of hot tea on the table. The only light sources in the room are the candles he lit earlier and the flashes coming from outside. With the loud noise from the thunder, it is pure luck that Kame hears the knocking on his door.
At first Kame thinks he just imagined the sound, but when the knocks keep on coming, he gets up from the couch. He wraps the blanket around him like a cape before padding across the wooden floor in his favourite slippers.
The person on the other side of the door is not who he had expected but it is a pleasant surprise. He lets the drenched guy inside before he quickly goes to fetch a towel and some dry clothes for the other to borrow. Once the other is warm and dry, they settle down on the couch and Kame cover them both with his fluffy blanket. Ran-chan has abandoned the couch in favour for the armchair.
“So, what brings you here Kato-kun?” Kame asks. It is a good question. The last time Kame was with Kato outside of work, things hadn’t really talked about any future meetings with just the two of them. The morning after had just been too awkward. Kame had let Kato leave without many words exchanged between them, even if he had wanted him to stay, at least for a cup of coffee.
“Ah,” Kato scratches the back of his head, making his already messy hair even messier. “Well…”
He looks really awkward and Kame can’t help but smile. He can practically see how the wheals inside of Kato’s head is turning as he’s struggling with coming up with an answer, an excuse.
“Well… I just remembered this book you talked about” Kato continues, his gaze falling down to his lap as he starts fiddle with his own hands.. “The one you promised to lend me. So I just thought I’d come over and well, borrow it?”
A book? Kame searches through his mind. He can’t remember talking to Kato about any other book but the one Kato has written. It must have been something he mentioned when he had already gone past being just tipsy.
“The one about the girl” Kato says after a minute of silence, “And the boy”
“A book about a girl and a boy?” Kame frowns. That’s a very vague description of a plot.
“Yeah” Kato nods, daring a glance at Kame. There’s uncertainty dancing in his eyes and it makes Kame doubt him. For a moment he had thought Kato actually was there to borrow a book but now he is back to thinking Kato has just come up with a bad excuse.
“You need to give me more than that, Kato-kun” Kame says, trying his best to hold back a smirk. Maybe Kato has been thinking about their last meeting just as much as he has. Maybe their last meeting gave Kato a taste for more.
Kato laughs nervously and is just about to reply, when the loudest thunder yet resonates through the apartment and makes them both jump in surprise, their shoulders crashing. The touch makes a different bolt of electricity rush through Kame’s whole body. He shivers.
“Sorry” Kato apologizes and makes an attempt to move back to regain the same distance they had before but Kame stops him by placing a hand at the back of Kato’s neck. He feels the muscles in the neck tense up under his touch, and he pulls Kato in closer to his face until their noses touch.
“What’s there to be sorry about” Kame says, staring into Kato’s eyes and his voice low in a whisper. “And you don’t need a lame excuse to spend time with me” Kame smiles and before Kato get the chance to say anything Kame angles his head and captures Kato’s lips in a kiss.
The end