Title: Manly
Pairing: None
Genre: Humour, family, crack (?)
Rating: G
Word count: 631
Summary: Kame’s good at convincing his brothers and father, much to his mother’s amusement.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
A/N: After talking to
tesshimassu briefly yesterday I couldn’t help but get inspired to write this little thing. Just to make it clear, Kame's still a junior in this. I imagined him being about 18 when I wrote this :)
I hope this will bring out a smile on everyone’s faces and I’ll also like to wish you all a Happy Easter ♥
”What are you doing?”
They all turn around and look at her as she starts laughing at them clenching the bag of groceries tightly to her chest.
“What?” Kame asks his mother. “What’s wrong with us guys wanting nice and soft skin?”
He then turns to look at his father and his brother who are all sporting the same moisturising facial mask as he is.
“Nothing, nothing” she chuckles and turns away to walk into the kitchen.
“I told you she would laugh at us” Yuya mumbles looking down at his pretty well manicured nails. Kame had showed off his skills with the nail file and invisible nail polish on all of his brothers and his father just minutes before the head of their family had come back home.
“Just ignore her” their father says reassuringly and pats Yuya’s knee. “Let’s just continue watching the game. She won’t bother us again for another hour. She’ll be busy preparing dinner”
“Our skin better look really good after this Kazuya” Yuichiro gives Kame pointed look. “Especially since mother most likely will tell everyone she knows about this when she gets the opportunity”
“Trust me” Kame smiles. “You’ve seen me do it many times, right? And my skin is really nice”
“Stop talking and pay attention to the game instead” their father grumbles. “Or if you don’t want to watch then go and fetch me another beer from the kitchen”
Kame gets up from his favourite arm chair and walks out from the room to get his father and older brothers some more beer. He’ll fetch some soda for himself and Yuya as well.
“How did you mange to convince them to agree with that?” his mother asks him without looking up from chopping carrots on the kitchen counter.
“Neither of them needed much convincing” Kame replies with a slight smirk. “All I had to do was promise to do their chores around the house for the next couple of days. Being so easily convinced makes me think that maybe they wanted to do this and just pretended not too.”
They both chuckle slightly before Kame continues “And dad didn’t need any convincing at all.”
“Yeah, you’re dad’s always been kind of open to new things” she smiles glancing over at Kame. He gives her a slight nod as he takes out the drinks.
“You want me to help you with dinner?”
“No, I don’t want risking that any of the goo you have on your face will fall into the food” her voice is dripping with good-natured mockery.
“Your loss” he replies nudging her slightly in the back with his elbow before he leaves. She just lets out a small chuckle that follows Kame back into the living room.
“Are-” she stares at Kame’s father in disbelief and obvious amusement. “Are your eyebrows plucked?”
She then turns and look at Yuichiro, Koji and Yuya while trying to hold back her giggles. “And yours too?”
“Yes” Kame’s father answers frankly and totally unfazed by her amusement. “Don’t I look good?”
“You look” she smirks and throws Kame a quick glance. “You look different. I’ll just have to get used to your new look. You all look great, really”
Kame’s brother doesn’t seem to believe her but he does. She’s complimented him for his own eyebrows before. Her amusement clearly only lies in the fact that she’s not used to every male in the family having such well shaped eyebrows. In Kame’s own opinion he’s done a very good job with them all.
“How about we start eating before the food gets cold” Kame’s father says and Kame’s brothers are quick to agree with him. Kame looks over at his mother and they share an amused smile as the others starts fighting over the food.