Title: When Love Moves In
Pairing: Kamenashi Kazuya x Yamashita Tomohisa, Akanishi/Yamashita (friendship), Kamenashi/Tegoshi (friendship), Yamashita/Nishikido/Ikuta (friendship)
Genre: AU, Fluff, Friendship, Humour, Romance, and a bit Angst maybe?
Rating: PG-13
Word count: ca 5700
Summary: When Jin goes to LA to study for a year Yamapi has to find
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Comments 35
I told you you shouldn't have been nervous on posting this ♥
I loved it from the banner already LOL
The dialogues between Pi and Jin were really something hilarious and Yuya was a bit scary ROFL I'm glad that Ryo and Toma made an appearance too :D
I was thinking that having different friends leads to different ways of acting....while Pi was freaking out and Jin was suggesting him, Kame seemed to be a little bit more calm XD Was it because of Yuya? XD
Totally approved! ♥
I had a lot of fun writing the conversations between Pi and Jin too, so I'm happy that you found them hilarious XD
Thank you so much for making me smile like a fool because of your love and comment! &hearts&hearts&hearts
at least...let's say I try XD
And I totally loved the ending too ♥ There is too little Kamepi in this world.
And, Tegoshi, well he is a pretty boy with sparkling eyes so I couldn't have described him in any other way XD
Thanks a lot for making me smile and for commenting and showing your love for Kamepi/Pikame! Let's hope there will be more of this pairing in the future!
I love it~~~
I love it~~~
I love the part they exchanged text messages...that was so cute~
My fav part was when Kame barked back at Ryo...that was AWESOME!!!
And of course the ending with Pi introducing Jin was so cute~~~LOVELY!!!
You know what, it just happened that I also just posted a Pikame that involved a confession scene...what a coincidence... : http://fazlyn-n.livejournal.com/39128.html?view=1669592#t1669592
And this is the 2nd time such coincidence hpn...Last week when I post my Akame wedding theme, coincidently another author post the same Akame theme as well...hahaha....
I guess us fangirls do have the same wavelength...
I'm really, truly happy that you enjoyed reading this so much :D
And that you posted a fic today, with similar theme sure is a coincidence. Great minds think a like I guess XP
I'll make sure to read it later :D
Thanks again &hearts
I really, really liked it. Loved how Yamapi was so in love with food, lol. Loved how Kame was great at cooking. And Jin just added more awesomeness to this, lol. Ryo was just nasty (*pokes tongue out at him*) and I was really happy Kame snapped back at him *laughs* Toma was <333
Oh, the list is endless dear. I enjoyed reading this very much!!! Can't stop smiling now actually, lol. This was, yet, another lovely piece of work by you ♥♥♥
I hope the smile that this brought up on your face will stay there for a long time :D
Thank you again, but I really can't thank you enough for being such a great reader! &hearts &hearts &hearts
Both Kame and Pi having friends who are urging them to confess.
I must say Jin is a real busybody.
I'm so happy that you enjoyed reading this :D
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