Strawberry fields forever

Oct 23, 2011 21:53

Last night I dreamed that Kate Winslet had joined the cast of Sherlock Holmes 2 as a former naval officer turned privateer who is currently doing her best to lead a straight life while also bringing up her two children. There was a lot of swashbuckling action and explosions while RDJ flirted with Kate Winslet.

My subconscious is a strange place.


I'm not sure why I get into headbutts with people on the messageboards every time a new issue of Wonder Woman comes out. Last time it was the dude who insisted that Cliff Chiang had an 'anti-female' agenda in drawing Diana in an 'unfeminine' fashion (by not dwelling on her 'female 'figure', whatever that means) and Zola was 'unfeminine' because she's a skinny woman with short hair. I was forced to point out that it's downright offensive to suggest that any female body type other than the standard comic book stock 'hourglass figure and large breasts' type is somehow not feminine enough, and then garb that in the language of social justice. This time it was a female poster who found Zola 'indecent' because she happened to say that she enjoys sex with men and is unapologetic about having multiple partners. /0\

I continue to enjoy the new Wonder Woman, especially Cliff Chiang's art, although I don't understand why Aleka and Dessa can't just be Artemis and Phillipus, or why Diana needs a father at all. Hera is fantastic though, as is Eris. Also, dialogue that me laugh out loud:

Diana: Forgive me, Aleka, but you'd find my form a bit rusty.
Aleka: Of course Princess. I imagine all your time spent among the mortals has left many bits rusty that way.
Aleka: Do you still prefer the staff?
Diana: For games? I do.

There's some nice bit of double innuendo going on there, hinting at the Amazons' queerness. But there are also some things that leave me uncomfortable; to c/p from another conversation I had recently:

This is a very serious concern for me. The jab at the homosexual family ('everyone has a father', Azz said); the dilution of Diana's uniquely queer origin (yes, she still has many mothers; kids brought up in queer families in the real world do have biological 'fathers', i.e sperm donors; but Azz's statement - 'everyone has a father', is worrying to me. will Zeus remain just the anonymous sperm donor in Diana's story? undoubtedly no). I'm ambivalent about this - on one hand there seemed to be very clear acknowledgment of the queerness of the Amazons ('rusty bits'/ 'staff in combat'; Hermes' statement to Zola after her comment on sexually preferring men), perhaps even Diana herself, and I do appreciate that. I do think that a queer women's community should not just be a perfect community of harmony - I would rather see its internal struggles, its flaws, in the shape of, say, xenophobia. But again the seeming misandry - and I hesitate to use that word, because I think it gets thrown around too much in these boards - makes me uncomfortable, because hasn't that been the charge levelled against women's collectives all along?

Re. the last part: we still need the Amazons' backstory, and I do not think being suspicious of male intruders is necessarily oh-so-terrible, but the repeated references to castration in the past few months (Flashpoint, Demon Knights, now this) make me uncomfortable. |
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stranger than fiction, comic: wonder woman

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