Sometimes I feel like I should cultivate more gravity, act in a more srs bzns fashion - if nothing, it might stop me being mistaken as one of my students. I'm not sure if I'm built that way, however. Sometimes I suspect I'm fundamentally incapable of being serious.
Both Stormwatch #2 and Demon Knights #2 were ridiculously fun, if a little confusing in terms of plot. I liked in the inner squabbling going on in Stormwatch, and Midnighter shamelessly hitting on Apollo. Demon Knights is just fun. It has swords, sorcery, dragons and female characters, and the Shining Knight may have just convinced me to read Morrison's Seven Soldiers (what? I like crossdressing female characters).
Meanwhile, on The Good Wife,
if Eli and Kalinda continue to be this awesome, the universe might just explode. Eli is a smart man, and he knows what a formidable team they make (and, of course, he also wants Alicia, because he and Alicia work well together and he knows how magnificent she is at her best). Their mutual appreciation fills me with UNSPEAKABLE JOY! \0/
I continue to enjoy Lisa Edelstein's presence - who somehow manages to grow more beautiful with every passing year - even if I find Celeste's attempts to manipulate Will using Alicia a little tiresome, especially since the show has no intention of letting her (or anyone who is not Lockhart/Gardner) come out on top. Come on, Dr. Cuddy, you're smarter than that! I don't know what sort of a role she'll play this season, but if she's an antagonist to Alicia and the firm, I'd like her character to be better realized than Bond last year.
I think I dislike Cary again. Sigh.
Will + Diane + ruthless cynicism + crazy idealism = OTP |
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