But let's face it, everything I ever say about Fringe is in praise of Olivia Dunham.
First things first: PETER IS BACK. Sooner than I would have liked him to return, to be very honest - but no one else remembers him, which is again a fantastic comic book-y twist that I thoroughly enjoyed. I shall be eternally grateful if his future storylines do not involve either his and Olivia's One True Love or his Special Destiny.
Secondly, how is it that in this Peter-less universe Olivia has ended up having more friends? In
words, "Also, riddle me this, why is a universe without Peter result in Olivia getting friendships and better relationships with other people?" I doubt they're trying to make a negative point about Peter, which could only mean one thing - Peter's actions with the machine was an attempt in his part to heal the two universes, make it better; perhaps he has also ended up healing Olivia in some ways instead. This Olivia, it seems - as I observed
after the end of the last episode - is different; more comfortable letting out her warmth, reaching out (not only does she comfort Walter in a very Peter-ish way - I do believe that Olivia and Astrid are now displaying some of characteristics Peter did in S1 - but she's also comfortable offering Lincoln emotional support, opening herself up).
I do not want these friendships to end just because Peter is back. Nina as Olivia's favourite aunt/mentor (I believe the writers mentioned on Twitter that she was a guardian to Olivia and Rachel, which, wow) is the BEST THING EVER, and I do not wish to lose that adorableness. I've always wanted Nina to be Olivia's mentor of sorts, and this is just fantastic.
I am also intrigued by the new backstory for the Cortexiphan trials, and I am glad they allowed Mark Little to be so angry at Walter (echoing Olivia's anger in 'Jacksonville', which will always be one of my favourite Fringe episodes). Which brings us to my principal point in this post - Olivia Dunham. I LOVE HER. I love everything she is and everything she chooses to be, and this episode - in fact, this entire season - has brought out one of the things I love best about Olivia: she is so kind.
We've always known this about Olivia - when she throws herself into her cases, when she talks to their clients, when she bonds with some of them. When she manages to feel sympathy for Walter in spite of her anger. When she strikes up a friendship with Col. Broyles' son even when she's pretending to be Altlivia. But in this verse, somehow, that is highlighted even more as Olivia sometimes plays the gentle caretaker role that both Peter and Astrid played in the blue!verse (the role she played only for Ella in the blue!verse). It shone through in this episode: when Walter cut his hand, when Walter failed to come up with anything and she gripped his hand, offering him strength. In this verse she has full memory of the abuse she underwent in the trials, and she went and forged a relationship with Walter with full knowledge of that. Perhaps her stepfather signed her up for it too, like Mark Little's father; perhaps that was one of her many grievances against him. And in spite of that, she manages to be kind to Walter, because that's who she is. ♥
http://swatkat.dreamwidth.org/302867.html |
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