+ Eli and Diane and Kalinda on the same team, oh my.
+ I adore Alicia and Owen's relationship. Also something I adore? How the show had Owen kissing another man without much fanfare or drama - the same way they had Kalinda kiss Sophia last season. TGW is all about understatement, and I'm glad the gay kissing gets the treatment. It's refreshing.
+ Will and Alicia continue to be hot.
+ Lisa Edelstein! \0/
+ What was that between Cary and Kalinda? I did not quite get that scene.
sk56 pointed me to this site; it has a few interesting things on TGW, especially this:
The Queerness of Kalinda Sharma.
I have fallen behind on the New 52 (still haven't read Batman or Nightwing or Birds of Prey), but my report card so far:
Action Comics #2: Horrendous art. Lois Lane is awesome.
Wonder Woman #1: A+ (with a potential -1 million for the new announcement; I do not like it and have already said what I had to say about it on Tumblr, but for completion's sake:
Disliking a male god’s presence in Diana’s origin story is not misandry. It is an expression of a very legitimate concern about Diana’s fascinatingly queer origin story (especially the Gail Simone version) being replaced by a somewhat more heteronormative one. We still do not know *how* Zeus is her father - a lot will really depend on that, but it is a valid concern.
Also, the absence of biological father does not make Wonder Woman any less male friendly (if it does, then there needs to be some rethinking about what is ‘male friendly’*, I think), just as the presence of a biological father does not make her any less feminist.
* There’s also the question of why every bloody thing on this planet has to be ‘male friendly’, but that’s probably not a good question to ask when it comes to a book that has to be sold to both genders, in an industry that frequently excludes the female sex in the name of male friendliness.
And further:
There are all sorts of ways in which the Zeus is her father thing can be done, and - I may have to eat my words later - since Azz and Chiang have been rather innovative in their approach to things so far, who knows how it’ll play out? We haven’t been told anything. It could be interesting. But my concern is that:
- It opens up the Wonder Woman mythos to the possibility of daddy drama, shifting the focus from Diana’s many mothers to her shitty father. In the hands of a bad writer, it could spell disaster.
- It raises some questions about Hippolyta’s character, not to mention the danger of her being sidelined by Zeus, who, let’s face it, is the flashier figure. Diana and Hippolyta’s is pretty much the only mother-daughter narrative that has any significance in the DCU - I do not want that replaced by yet another story about a hero and her father.
-It threatens to erase the fabulously queer origin story of Diana’s birth, especially post-Gail Simone. We still don’t know how this will play out - the presence of a biological father alone does not make her origin any less queer, but that is a possible concern.
- And finally: the sheer redundancy of this. There’s already a lot of daddy issues going around in the DCU. It doesn’t add anything to Diana’s character.
Batgirl #2: A-. A definite step-up from #1, the plot got intriguing, the roomie awesome, and I for one support Barbara getting whumped by supervillains in the beginning. That said, the new Barbara voice is rather jarring at times; almost Steph-like in places. It will take some getting used to.
Batwoman #2: A-. Another step-up. OMG, everything I said about Kate/Maggie? I take it back, I LOVE IT. Oh Kate, you so smooth.
Huntress #1: A++++++++++++. Which is my way of saying I don't have a coherent review for this, I don't even know if it was particularly good because HUNTRESS OMG HUNTRESS. My brain kind of shut down on page 1 and remained at that place till the very end. HUNTRESS! \0/
PS: It seems the Morrison Wonder Woman project is indeed
happening. OMG.
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