Aug 17, 2009 22:13
-My roommate still can't keep anything clean. Very small mouse problem, slightly larger fruit fly problem.
-Also, he apparently is of the school of "everything sounds better a capella." His recent music and singing are evidence of this. And last night, when he sang the chorus of "lean on me," but coming in just a heartbeat too early on most phrases. Repeatedly. For over five minutes. I had to turn on Enya to high to give me something else to listen to.
-Tomorrow, my new phone activates. It is dumb because it truncates filenames and doesn't read nonwestern characters, making it hard to sync music, but it is pretty, and has unlimited texting. And it will be GOOD at it.
-Slightly sick, hoping it will get better. Mild fever, sweats, weakness, shortness of breath.
-Dinner was leftover mexican rice made into a bellpepper pseudo-rice pilaf/fried rice, and the leftover beans. A bit too much food, but good for me in this state.
-V.R. is in town now, and I'm very excited! If I hadn't made a bump on my friend's car, I'd be guaranteed a way to get around, but here's to hoping both she's willing to let me keep the spare key and that he has a car of his own.
-Been watching Evangelion. Good times.
-Boss is really getting on my case lately. I think he's afraid that this year is filled with slackers, and we're the most senior members of the group, so...
-Tomorrow is a large work day; I think I'll be able to load reactions if I'm not deathly ill. Hoping my UP2 sample is pure, too.
-Thursday is dinner with a person I've been seeing semiregularly. Dating, but explicitly no-strings-attached. 3 course Chinese fusion Chilean Bass dinner is most promising. In the food sense.
-Skin continues to do bizarre things. It is doing new, unfamiliar things that are more than a little unsettling.
-PbP goes at a snail's pace. No surprise, I suppose.
-I get better and better at baking. My pie crusts are now halfway decent, instead of abysmal. Apparently I can't set a lemon curd, though.
-My quest to recreate this compound that I made continues. Doesn't look promising, but I can do nothing but truck along.
-I would really like a paleta. Something like horchata, or mango, or lemon.