He'll be missed, too. How many other opera singers do you know that will sing with Bon Jovi, the Spice Girls, Bryan Adams, and James Brown. The man had more talent and personality than half of the young singers in the business today.
Seriously. That Bryan Adams link is priceless. You haven't really heard All for
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I have a thing for the Mac vs. PC commercials. Mostly because I adore the guy PC guy... which, I don't think is what Mac was going for but, whatever. Anyway, love him and I hope he one days gets a job on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart because his appearance on that show just cracked me up. (Side note: How annoyed am I that Comedy Central
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Turns out the show wasn't an "hour of Grey's followed by an hour of Addison" but instead it was mostly Addison with a little of Grey's sprinkled in so people couldn't get too pissed off about the fact that it was mostly the spin off we were watching.
And what was with all the commercials?
But seriously, if you're going to have a spin off have a spin
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Someone needs to tell Meredith that "Now I'm going to the gallery.." isn't communicating. It's running commentary. Not the same.
Callie breaks my heart. And Izzie really needs to back off. So do the writers for that matter. That bit with the patient in the clinic and his description of his chemistry with his girlfriend is not exactly like George
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Another look at Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. I found this via ONTD but to spare everyone the torture of having to visit that site - (seriously, calling a 3 year old a slut?) - I thought I'd just go ahead and post it here.