Christmas is, sadly, over. Although technically it doesn't end until January 6th (Old Christmas Day) it is, for the most part, over. It was.. fun. While it lasted. I've been doing nothing for appoximately three weeks now. I finished my last final on December 8th and I won't be returning to any meaningful work until January 8th.
I'm eager to start. I'm also dreading it. Not dreading the work as much as the paperwork that will follow it. Self appraisals, objectives, weekly emails to instructors.
Nevermind the endless amounts of paperwork involved in nursing. Charts and med kardex and incident reports and referrals and blah. It never ends. Seriously.
Someone once told me I sounded burnt out and I haven't even started to actually work in my chosen profession. I certainly don't feel burnt out but I suppose it's possible. School is certainly tiring. God knows public service (no matter what type) is difficult and it certainly isn't hard to become burnt out but I think that, if anything, I'm suffering from the winter blues and school burn out. I like what I do. I'm good at it so take that nameless person! Stop trying to bring me down.
In other news, my laptop is (once again) on the fritz. I think my RAM is shot. It works for approximately 15 minutes before crashing and flashing a pretty blue screen that both hypnotizes and enrages me.
I'm tired and tomorrow (hopefully) I'll be rid of these braces forever! Yay!
(Heh. I just realized how seemingly random this entry is. Oh well, I'm feeling out of sorts and random anyway.)