Your Name: Dorey
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Other Characters Played: N/A, for the moment
Character Name: Juni Swan (Nadia Moore is her birth name, but she never uses it)
Fandom: Demonata
Original or Alternate Universe: OU, may change to AU over time depending on how much the other characters influence her
Canon point: Around the middle of Book 3 (Slawter)
Species: Human, with a small amount of demon blood
Age: 28
Appearance: Background: -On Juni herself - Series info - More series info
Reality Description: Currently (Meaning, probably for a few weeks/months) Juni is in a town a lot like Cicero, except it is where a film is being made.
Basically it’s in the middle of a desert which stretches for miles all around, it’s done up to look around 1990s era and is basically a film set, there are a few real buildings and hotels dotted around but most of the buildings are fake.
Just outside the town is what is generally associated with a film set, there are a few trailers for the big names, a dining tent and several attractions including table tennis and a pool.
A little beyond all of those is the D warehouse, inside it’s a grand labyrinth of winding corridors, most of the outer rooms are simply places for storing props and making costumes, the deeper in you go however… Well, there are demons and right at the centre is a lodestone (an ancient relic through which great magic can be channeled) and a rather nasty demon guard.
However, she is not going to be in Slawter forever, her usual reality is Lord Loss’s realm which is kind of this world made up of webs, she mainly stays around the castle area which is also made entirely of webs, there are a few bits of webby furniture but the only not webby thing is the crystal chess board, which is always close to Lord Loss’s throne.
The rest of the human world is fairly normal, except for the occasional outbreaks of random demons.
Powers/Abilities: -She can use magic, mostly it’s spells that deal with the way that the mind perceives things (such as making other characters see what she wants to see, if she so chooses) and fairly small changes to her body make up (such as growing her nails to a longer length) but after resting for a while she can do things such as creating fireballs and blasting holes through things… But these tire her a lot and so she’s very unlikely to use them.
-She can see the future, the visions are usually short, sharp bursts and rarely that useful.
-She’s good at hand to hand (or hand to claw in her case) combat, she can beat a fair amount of humans at it.
-She’s good at running, not the best but she’s fast enough to get away from a fair amount of things.