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Mar 22, 2009 21:03

16.8.1. Gone In 60 Seconds

When the universe does end it ends quickly, the earth withers within a few seconds, curling in on itself and burning with a bright light that is anything but peaceful.

It grows dark for a second then, the light dimming and then… Out, out from the core it comes, at first just a faint glow moving ever so slowly but then it expands and blazes, racing through the solar system and beyond, burning even hotter then the sun, rippling with rage and pain, the pain of it’s creator.

Everything is swept along with it; everything dies, wiped out in less then a second as the wave moves, driven by a magic that makes her puny power look like nothing at all… It scares her and yet excites her, it is power like she has never even dreamed of before.

Who is wielding such power? Loss? Her new master? …No, Loss is not worthy of such power and her new master does not blaze brighter than the stars. This is different; this is something which nobody on her master’s side could ever do.

Within a minute the human universe is dust, no life stirs, nothing blazes (even the magic has dimmed)… And that is when the laugh starts, low and bestial, it echoes through the shell of the universe with palpable glee, almost like the demented cackle that her laugh has become but… Different, male.

She laughs, ignoring the pain running through her, ignoring the confused expression on Grubbs’s face as her lies before her, ignoring everything but her triumph.

“Oh, Grubbs!” She screams through her laughter “You absolute darling. How delicious. How ironic. The saviour of the world…”

It will happen, she’s seen it… Oh, and won’t it be perfect, won’t it just be wonderful, won’t Beranabus just roll in his pathetic excuse for a grave… “Hah!”

The universe will be gone in less than a minute... And won't it be perfect.

just_muse_me, featuring: grubbs, canon!verse

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