Ew. I practically lived in my white-framed sunglasses. (I really ought to get new ones, cuz they're kinda scratched up...)
Also today, a bunch of people from my school volunteered for this day for handicapped children. It's called "Let's Go Fishing" and is put on by the local rotary clubs. In a nutshell, I got to skip school to face paint. Now I wanna be a hippie...just so I can paint my face everyday.
Afterwards, I went to a friend's house and watched some of the Beatles Anthology and "Arrested Development". During this amazing-fest, who should call but a friend at school, in History class, asking me what move I wanted to make in the Risk game! >.< Are you kidding me? We definitely had a good laugh about how nerdy our friends are after I hung up.
Tonight we're going to the midnight showing of "Prince Caspian"! My English teacher buys tickets for cheap in bulk, so we go in massive groups. Should be good stuff. actually having things to do and update's a strange concept. I'm having a hard time trying to keep track of it all, honestly. Just as long as I keep drawing myself a calendar every so often. :P For some reason, people are freaking out that we're seniors and "never" going to see each other, so they plan things out the hay ho. I don't mind, so long as I don't go broke. (which I will at this rate.)
My friends love birthday parties. We're trying to plan a picnic party for a birthday next week. My friend and I had been joking about having a Mod 60s Mummy Unwrapping Dance Party. That sprouted from a "Mental Floss" magazine article about
mummy unwrapping parties. (they don't have the actual article online, so this should do.) So she also had the brilliant idea of doing that as a birthday party, you know, dressing like Jackie O and dancing the Watusi and doing mummy type stuff... I dunno. Haha, that'd be fun.
Bringing up that "Mental Floss" article made me think of another thing from that magazine. The creepy story of Carl Tanzier and Maria Elena Milagro de Hoyos. I love reading it, partly because I love creepy stories. Sooo...*shivers*. Just
read it, cuz it's a bit gross to put outside a cut.
Ps- If it feels like summer, why can't it BE summer?