It appears as if I'm going to wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to watch the sunrise. Heh, it all started as an interesting idea mentioned to a friend. Now we're going to call each other and make sure we both go outside to catch it. She has a hillside near her housing development, so we'll somehow be doing the same thing at the same time. I dunno. I'll bring a camera, notebook, and pen. I honestly don't know what I'd do without a the general scheme of day-to-day.
Apparently watching "Valerie's Week of Wonders" right before going to sleep isn't a good idea. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it a lot. But the pedophilic images that permeated my dream last not want, plzkthx. Better news is that I got the soundtrack for the movie from
psych_folk, which continues to be a favorite comm of mine. ^^
Some friends came over today. I taught one guitar basics because he's been raving about wanting to learn ever since he's gotten guitar hero. Lol, so he now knows a few chords. Remember those days? It seems like forever ago, but it really was only about two? years ago. Oh man, yeah. Good ol' 2006. *just looked it up on her old xanga* :P It's really quite cute rereading some of that crap and seeing each new fandom develop with the underlying photoshop and music to guide me. Then we watched Princess Bride because he hadn't seen that and some Arrested Development because it makes me laugh...a lot.
I miss talent. It seems it's blown about by the wind and only encased in computable presets.
Why is it that people refer to darkness as a synonym to evil and everything you should be scared of? It seems that in this day and age where there is no pitch darkness, we should be more afraid of the light and the truth it forces us to cover up.
My sentence count in life is always over the limit. I spend so much time just trying to cut back these stupid entries. >.<
Ps- I'm looking forward to this sunrise thing. I just hope I wake up. I figure if I write it up with big hype here, I won't want to follow up with an 'i didn't wake up' entry, lol.
Pps- Sleepy time for now sounds good.