"Nothing's gunna touch you in these golden yeeee-eeaa-rrs...goo-oo-oollllden..."

Jan 23, 2008 13:27

It seems that fate obviously is not smiling down upon me. I'm finished with my first three finals, which were all ridiculously easy. Tomorrow's two finals echo in my ears with all the sense of impending doom usually found in some bad fiction. Yes, AP European History is hopelessly difficult to remember and keep eras, names, and treaties straight. And Physics? Well yeah, let's let that one speak for itself.

You know, it appears to be a pattern of mine to take things and run with it. I got to sleep in an hour or two today because my final was in the second time slot. And in waking up, I decided that I absolutely must wear a skirt. And really, as I sat there writing, I could feel the flick of my sleeve and took the opportunity to straighten my skirt for a small break in between questions. It's...actually kind of sad how much better I feel. :P But on my econ final, which has probably run its course through decades of seniors, there was an erased doodle with a little phrase under it. It said "hopelessly against the flow- Luke 17:23". I stopped and thought about it for a second. (I stopped and thought quite a few times. I needed an excuse to not turn in my final insanely early) And I copied the reference on to the desk in pencil, promising myself to look it up later. All during the test, I would push the paper aside and look at the reference, keeping it fresh in my mind. I just looked it up now. It says: "And they will say to you, 'Look, there!' or 'Look, here!' Do not go out or follow them." Hm...a good one to keep in mind. Heh, it could apply to my wonderful dressing, as everyone else was wearing jeans and the class sweatshirt. Either that or that I should not keep in mind distractions as I study for my finals. :P In all seriousness, though...I'll be sure to think back on that one.

Please appease

I think the aqua tights are my favorite part. :P And I love my gypsy/Princess Jasmine shrug. ^^

and with my green pea coat! ^^
Ahem...now that I got that out of my system...
Homecoming is Friday night. I am all prepared with my dress and mask and perhaps gloves. Thing is, there's no real after party for us seniors. There IS one, but it's this girl that's quite the prep (which most my class doesn't dig, anyways) and she's invited all the juniors (instant lame!). So, I figure, why not, we can host it at my house. AK, I hope I can get the news out to everyone in time! Half the class isn't taking any finals tomorrow because it's only the hard classes that have them. Well, I posted a thing on Facebook...hopefully they'll see. I hate trying to do these things without the aid and foresight of someone "In the circle" if you catch my drift. Because I've tried before...and nobody ends up coming. :( I guess I'll go print off some fliers to pass out tomorrow.

I love January weather. It's very much like winter now, compared to Christmas. (ahaha, where I woke up to a sunshiny day) I love seeing everyone in big woolen pea coats (...well, I do hate this whole baggy sweatshirt thing. It has GOT to stop. But then again, it's just high school)


Ps- I'm so jealous of Patsy Cline. I want to go out walking after midnight.

Pps- David Bowie = ultimate dance music...'nuff said.

Ppps- It's really sad how much I amuse myself.

clothes, bible, friends, school, afterparty, outfit, homecoming, finals

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