Mindless Drivel is my specialty, yes.

Jul 20, 2007 01:43

Crap! I just typed out a whole entry, then the page...grr. I hate that. And it didn't even say to start from saved draft like it does on my computer!! >.< This dumb computer...

Annnyways, I was just talking about how YouTube makes me think about how similar our American culture is. I mean, the typical Youtube video usually has two guys in a standard American suburb house, walking around a usual suburban sidewalk. Yeah. They're all so similar. Even their haircuts and clothes look similar. It's amazing that we've managed to mainstream a whole society. No, wait. That's how society comes. Are we in fact scared to break free from our societal norms?! *sigh* Yeah. Creativity is always popular, interesting, fresh. We all flock to it when it occurs in a TV show or movie plotline. Sometimes I just wish that "society" could be different like that. It's too boring when everything's the same! And that's just from a design point of view. Can you imagine what it's like on a psychological point of view? ...alright. That obviously releases the floodgates in me, so I'll quit while I'm ahead. If you'd like my whole disertation on American society, just let me know. ;)

We're going to the Jelly Belly factory tomorrow with our Chinese exchange students. That should be pretty cool. Junk food is universal, I guess.

My birthday's coming up on the 24th. I honestly don't know what to do. I'm having my friend over the day before and I'm getting my parent's gift in the Bob Dylan concert that following weekend. So... my mom always asks me what I want to do for my birthday. *sigh* I dunno. Maybe I could go see Harry Potter. Still haven't seen that. Oo, and I wanna get my hair redyed the same (because it faded) before then. ^^

So, I preordered Harry Potter on Amazon. It'll SHIP on the 21st, so I'll probably get it on my birthday. whoo! Just...please, no spoilers, kthnx. I dunno. I'm totally not into the whole HP fandom thing, as obviously, the whole rest of the internet is. >.< I dunno. That came and went for me fairly quickly. And btw, the fifth book...ew. The start of emo!Harry. >.< I just want to see how this all ends. Really, they've been following me for ages and if I don't read it, all my friends will like...attack me. Lol, I attacked some other people for not having read the first books. :P Hypocrite much? But, Harry, I'm sorry. I've lost my love of your wisarding ways. And btw, I would have read Hogwarts: A History. I read the other two textbooks that came into print...every page. I know so much about the whole HP fandom...but, there's no magic. (haha, bad pun) It's just like growing out of Christmas. No excitement. I know it should be there, but there's nothing.

Don't you hate when you're totally digging this one thing, but nobody else around you is into it or they haven't even heard of it? >.< It's the story of my life. It's been the deal with everything I've been into (with the exception of Pokemon in elementry school and Neopets for a time). And then YEARS later, when you're over it, people bring it back up again. That's happened with Homestar, Potter Puppet Pals, Ask A Ninja, Threadless.com, Youtube in general, etc. It makes me really angry because they could've laughed along with me all that time ago. I could have shared it with someone. But, by the time they've gotten around to enjoying it, I'm sick of it. And they never get into whatever I'm enjoying right now. >.< You know, I've kind of made it a game to myself to try and guess what they'll choose to be into next. LiveJournal? Lolcats? Albino Blacksheep? Meta? I really don't know. Some things are just so geeky that only my inner nerd can appreciate it. :P I guess that's what the internet's for...enjoying your fandom with someone else. It gets so lonely in my "I wanna marry a rocker" world. Serious. I know like...nobody to help me in such endeavors! And only a few in my "move to London" group. *sigh* People aren't into fandoms like they show it online while they're within fandom groups. Is there some way that fandom groups can exist in real life? Or am I simply just dreaming?

Online just seems fake. That goes into what I've been thinking about alot recently: Dream and Reality. The internet and all its wonderfulness all seems just like another dream. And pain...real blood, guts, gore, and ribs poking out your side...the whole nine yards, is reality. And the past seems like a dream. All this stuff about politics and wars and revolution...just seems straight out of a textbook. And I'm not helping, what with all my sixties London daydreams. How can we separate the dream from reality? And why is all the good stuff part of the dream? I'm still stuck on the fact that mangled bodies are a reality. Mind boggling, this.

Anyways, I'll just have to go write a poem and get all this grey matter out into something useful.
I'll go...watch something.


harry potter, america, culture, birthday, reality, thoughts, fandom, youtube, dream, society

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