Okokokok, so here are the pictures of my new hair-dye attacked hair under the luffley cut!
Before (and yes I do enjoy wearing lots of eye makeup, how'd you guess?):
I don't exactly like the bright, cotton candy-colored hair, but it fades HECKA fast. (yeah, being Californian gives me license to use alot of words, including 'hecka') I bleached the very tips to help it stay in longer, so hopefully that'll do the trick. I need it to stay for all two and a half weeks that I'll be in Europe. YAY! And when it fades, it'll look more like that picture I posted here and used for reference. That girl just dyed it over her blonde. That way it fades a little yellower. >.< My blue last summer was a bit on the green side by the end. People at church today were commenting on it. Most people thought it was awesome...at least in the youth hour. :P I didn't really get any comments besides that. Well, I take that back. Some parents would come up and ask me about it and they'd be fine with it. I think the most shocked was one of the girls I go to school with. Heehee. She was pretty much freaking out. She's one of those girls who'd never dye their hair like this, lol. And she's one of those going on the Europe trip. :P Should be fun. ^^
And here's some more artsy ones from around the yard/house (our house has awesome architecture!):
I absolutely love where I live. ^^
So, anyways, the other day when I was bored, I ended up watching "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and really enjoying it! Anything set in an insane asylum is bound to be good, eh? I dunno, you could tell that it just oozed satire, but it still made for an interesting thing to consider in your own life- the whole being controlled thing. And we need to rethink what we're doing as a society for people put in asylums. I'm sure it's not as bad as all that, but it does make one want to reach out towards such people...the truly crazy that is. The people there voluntarily? I'd want to help them too. The very fact that people would choose to isolate themselves from society like that is unnerving. Or maybe, is the author/director making the point that we should consider it? Very intriguing.
So, my friend called me this afternoon concerning the Europe trip. It was funny how long we stayed on the phone, trying to squeeze out any more ideas for things to bring, things to do...so we don't forget anything. She's going to copy board game boards on to pages of paper so we can play those during the hours long layover. And I'm printing off some Su Dokus and some Edgar Allen Poe stories I haven't read and maybe some good "would you rather..." prompts for the group. Any good fanfiction I need to read? lol.
Fathers day went pretty well too. We went to an all you can eat sushi place. Oh how I love our area's melting pot of cultures and what it does to our restaurant choices. ^^ Seriously, it's the best ever.
EDIT: I just watched
this video because somebody posted it on one of the communities that I viciously watch and keep telling myself I'm going to join, but I haven't yet. It's called Four Eyed Monsters and it's...whoa. It really inspired me. You REALLY need to see this movie! Watch the movie for the plot (I don't want to spoil it for you...it's that good!), but for the artistry of it all...wow. It makes me wish life were more beautiful. Life in general is beautiful, that's not what I'm saying. It just seems like alot of things are so plain and mundane...why can't it be brightened? There needs to be artistry in everything. You know why people want to turn back to nature all the time? Because it's gorgeous! In manmade things, there's a lack of beauty and a lack of inspiration. It makes me wonder what life would be like without creative things...or even in a world completely filled with creative things. I want to strive to live life beautifully...added on to everything else I've already decided to live life as, of course. I'm not necessarily changing my life, but resolving to emphasize something I've already been doing if that makes any sense. *sigh* Art is not a thing to be discounted. Life is meant to be beautiful. And that's a very comforting thought.
Ps- I leave early on Tuesday!!!!! ^^