i got the house!!!

Sep 19, 2006 11:20

Man, have I mentioned how good it is to be me?

I got the stone house! I'm driving over to put down half of my deposit after the staff meeting today, and memgineer is coming with me (that's Tanya, my boss. Yes, both of my immediate superiors read my LJ AND I'M STILL POSTING FROM WORK! I'm just that excited right now.). Tanya just bought a house a few months ago that is only a few blocks down the road from the stone house, so we're both a bit giddy.

My credit score is absolute shit shit shit, but thank goodness for people who actually understand when you are trying to turn things around in your life. My new landlady took me to task over several of the items. Well, not really, but she did (rightfully) require an explanation for the ones that concerned her the most, which I honestly provided -- I was unemployed, broke, and uninsured for several months last year, and before that I was underpaid and underinsured (I have needed a dental bridge replaced for over 3 years but my insurance through school didn't cover it, so I have suffered, and it gets more painful every day).

The extra-super BEST part about all of this is that arrangements were made today to finally put me on the official Alcor payroll (woohoo!) so that I can start accummulating time towards receiving benefits (90 days for health; 1 year for 401k). So maybe I can get my teeth taken care of before I die of a systemic infection! Woohoo!
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