The week in review:
- Saturday was an overall successful day! I got up super late but I needed the sleep. I ate some apple cinnamon oatmeal with raisins and it was delicious. Cleaned up the kitchen, went for a walk, and dove into planning the specifics for my podcast recording with Daria. Then I processed photos, finished my blogging, and played Dance Dance Revolution. Had time to take a shower and chill a bit before the podcast. Then my mom came over!! She had brought me cupcakes (gee, great for my food program!)--I had asked if she would buy me a fancy cupcake to celebrate my short story sale, as is the tradition, and she did! She just showed up later than I expected. I helped her with her phone and then did some recording with Daria. After we were finished I updated some stuff about the short story sale.
- Sunday was a somewhat lazy day. I did my laundry and trash and got all my walking done but not a lot in terms of projects. Did some karaoke and called a friend. Wrote one letter. Updated Internet stuff and sent a Polo video to my sister. Read a little of my old work.
- Monday was super busy at work--had to finish data entry and read over a couple letters and double-check some proposal stuff. Then I played Dance Dance Revolution, had a potato, and hung out with my friends Meghan, Katelyn, Jeaux, Steve, Kathy, Fred, and Victor on an online game. It was fun but one of the games was super awkward because we had to pretend to be monsters who were trying to date each other. I ate a mousse my mom got me. Then I got tired and fell asleep when I didn't mean to.
- Tuesday was a day of weird naps. I woke up super early, took a long walk, went back to sleep, got up for a meeting, went back to sleep, got up for ANOTHER MEETING, and then spent the day updating some reports. After work I talked to my friend Sarah on the phone while taking walks, and did a couple videos for my sister and listened to hers. Did some short story negotiations and ate a wrap.
- Wednesday I had more meetings and some various work stuff. Took some walks and made video conversations for my sister. I took a little nap too. Later, Jeaux came and we went to the grocery store, came home and had lazy sandwiches, and watched The Owl House again. We also watched Colbert and chatted like usual. I read some of my old stuff until bed.
- Thursday I spent most of my work day on a transcript for the interview group. Then my boss told me I could drop out of the interview group because they were going to bring in someone else with more relevant experience. Which is fine for me, heh. (Really anybody on the team can talk about what I was gonna talk about.) After work I played DDR and wrote my comic. Victor called and we mostly got to have a full chat. Did some drawings while on the phone as usual.
- Friday I got up late and went to work. Did a bunch of stuff for the interview package we have to submit and completed my reports and timesheets. Later I took a walk and finished my webcomic, played DDR again, and did some laundry early.
New reviews of my book:
Social media counts:
YouTube subscribers: 5,297 for
swankivy (no change), 675 for
JulieSondra (no change), 16 for
v & V Vids (no change), 99 for
Not-So-Giant Women (no change). Twitter followers: 945 for swankivy (lost 1), 1,363 for JulieSondra (1 new). Facebook: 297 friends (1 new--I accepted a friend request from someone in the SU group) for
swankivy, 632 likes for
JulieSondra (lost 1), 62 likes for
Negative One (no change), 162 likes for
So You Write (no change), 83 likes for
Not-So-Giant-Women (no change).
Tumblr followers: 2,479 (no change).
Instagram followers: 203 (no change).
Food Plan Update:
- All is still well with my plan. They're filtering in more stuff about other important aspects of health besides diet and exercise--like electronics use and getting enough sleep. There are some recommendations about bedtime and some advice about types of exercise to modify what I'm doing. Not sure how much I'll be incorporating, but maybe some of it. I'd like to take some time before bed to wind down with reading. We'll see. The scale is continuing to do its thing pretty slowly. I feel like there are a lot of days I'm not eating as much as I should, which is weird, but it's not causing me to be hungry. It just takes a lot of time to get in all this extra activity and sometimes that can make you feel like not eating much.
Books Read:
- Finished Reading: Nothing, paused on reading projects right now!
- Currently Reading: Emma by Jane Austen. I'm on page 225.
Songs Sung:
This week's karaoke song is
"I Just Called to Say I Love You" by Stevie Wonder.
Videos Made:
Pictures Taken:
My cute cupcake photo:
My pretty Rose Quartz dress:
Stuff Drawn:
My weekly fantasy webcomic,
Negative One:
#0796: dax #106: vigilance.
Written this week:
Writing site:
Writing blog:
Tumblr blog: