I had a Halloween party on Friday.
Right before the party started, I checked my e-mail to see if anyone was asking for directions or whatever. No one was, but there was a new mail from my agent.
Who says another publisher is interested in my book and they're reading it now. Yay.
It also just happens to be a publisher I like a lot. Kind of hard to believe my book is being read by editors at a company whose books I've been reading since I was a kid. It would be amazing to be one of Tor's authors. Maybe it will happen.
So I got that news immediately before my guests started showing up. First came Derek, then James and his daughter Claudia, then Michael, Jef, and Anita, then Jeaux, then Joy. Everyone's costumes were fun. Joy even dressed as Honey Boo-Boo.
Jeaux and James both had tee shirt costumes. Jeaux's was his funny "ask me about my zombie costume" shirt. It has that phrase on it and when people ask him about his zombie costume, he pulls the shirt over his head and does this:
Derek was a Ghostbuster as usual, Michael was a pirate as usual, Anita was dressed up like usual but with flashy things clipped all over her, and Jef was Retired Captain America. Little Claudia, who's four, was Merida. She threw her wig on the ground immediately and spent the night running from pretend snakes and playing with my toys. She drew me a cute picture, and put it on my fridge. She was so adorable and it was neat meeting her. I'd never gotten to meet her before.
Oh, if you're curious, I was a ballerina.
More pictures I served a ton of food. Appetizers were veggies/dip, chips/salsa, cheese/crackers, and nuts. Dinner was homemade baked macaroni & cheese, cheesy mashed potatoes, tater tots, bean casserole, meatballs brought by my mom, homemade pumpkin muffins and vegan banana muffins, corn, and couscous. Dessert was homemade pumpkin pie, homemade pumpkin cream cheese roll, homemade vegan pumpkin brownies, homemade vegan pumpkin cookies, and homemade vegan molasses-ginger animal cookies. I HAVE TOO MANY LEFTOVERS because I expected more people. I mean, last year I had twenty-one. This year I had nine. o_O
So that's my news!