Well, everyone's always hearing how busy I am, and probably wonders why it is that I say that. Does she just piss away all her time? Does she watch too much TV, play too many video games? Does she hang out with friends all the time? What is she whining about having to get done anyway? In answer to all that, NO I don't watch TV, NO I don't play video games (except, as of late, trying to kick the Gnopples game's ass, but that was necessary), and yes I hang out with a lot of friends but that is part of the time-eating machine that is my life (and a part I WANT there, for the record!).
So I thought I'd post my to-do list and give you, the people, some idea of what my life is like, what (admittedly self-imposed) projects are hanging over me perpetually, and hopefully, a little perspective on realizing why it is I sleep less than two hours a day. Ready guys?
Here are the lists that are recurring. After this it'll be lists of projects that are pending. Enjoy, and laugh at me!
Stuff to do daily (usually):
- Work 9-4 (unless it's an off day)
- E-mail
- Check Web page comments and respond
- Work Log (if I worked)
- Write in daily private journal (it's paper, not this one)
- Read friends' journals
- Dishes
Stuff to do every couple days or every few days:
- Write in LiveJournal
- Call long-distance friends
- Clean something
- Play DDR (exercise!)
Stuff to do weekly:
- Jeaux Day (Wednesday)
- Anime club (Wednesday)
- Grocery shopping (Wednesday)
- Mikey Day (Sunday--involves either laundry or DDR)
- Call Victor (Saturday--doesn't always happen)
- Mike Day (Monday or Tuesday, doesn't happen every week)
- Bake for anime club (Monday or Tuesday)
- Drawings for Negative One (Thursday)
- Check responses on 43 Things and OK Cupid
Stuff to do monthly:
- Archive worklog
- Moon ritual
- Bathe (just kidding!)
Stuff to do several times a year:
- Sabbat celebrations (eight times a year--both solstices, both equinoxes, and all four of the halfway points in between those)
- Holiday-related baking and redecorating
- Several-day visits with out-of-town friends and/or family
Stuff to do once a year:
- Plan my garden
- Change year dates on Web page stuff
- Go through new calendars and put important dates on them
- Celebrate my birthday (1/17)
- Celebrate my "Ivy day" (7/31)
Stuff to do whenever I get time and whenever it happens:
- Hang out with local friends or nearby but out-of-town friends
- Scramble to get or make presents for friends whose birthdays arrive in due time
- Practice my violin
Now for the specific projects part. If you see something on here and you wanna know what it's about, let me know and I'll 'splain it!
TIME-SENSITIVE PROJECTS: (These are projects that are not just stuff I want to do someday when I get time; they have to be done and there's a date after which it will not matter anymore if I don't do them.)
Projects/stuff to do, preferably in the next week:
- Work on the big editing project (!!!! . . . $$$$!)
- Make Mike CDs
- Start working on Halloween costume's finishing touches
- Plot and drawings for Negative One
- Send Victor's birthday present
- Finish reading that turd Eldest
Projects/stuff to do, in the near future:
- Rip more songs from CD collection for my computer's mix
- Make "hair mix" CD
- Finish Halloween costume
- Write a guide for kids' books for work
- Create a basket for moon rituals, with checklist
- Finish Mikeyversary present (about half done)
- Go to the eye doctor and get new contacts (probably have to wait until $$$$ from editing comes)
Web page stuff to do in the near future:
- Essay on Eldest (post to Web page, Amazon and E2)
- New essay on Eragon (for Amazon because they deleted mine)
- Essay on Necklace of Kisses (post to Amazon and E2)
- Essay on Jerry Springer Opera (post to Web page and E2)
- Finish music page overhaul (Add in Rumors of the Big Wave, look through other Pagan music files because that section is lacking)
- Update comic FAQs, character profiles, draw pics for pages, write synopses
- Picture Page from when Fred was here
- Add comment forms to some other Web pages
- Put up new recipes
Computer maintenance stuff to do in the near future:
- Get list of downloadables off KaZaA and put them on Limewire
- Rename songs in mp3 collection
- Organize pics--get Jeremy's baby pics where they're supposed to be
- Add to screensaver
Projects to do, in the semi-near future:
- Add lists of Pagan books from notebook, papers, and catalog to BoS, Ivy's Pentacles site, and E2 node
- Concept sketches for short stories
- Record my songs "My Way" and "Night"
- Record karaoke songs and some harmony songs
- Check for DDR updates
- Download songs on my list
- Look for more pagan books (especially on pagan cooking)
- Tests on OK Cupid
- Browse on 43 Things
- Make holiday-oriented song lists for Sabbat celebrations
Projects to do, whenever:
- Song drawings
- Make Amazon wish list
- Node some stuff I've got on the back burner
- Edit my old paper journals
- Make a will
- Element collages
- Sticker collage
- Make planned mixes
- Check out Bill Moyers's "Power of Myth" series
- Try lambic (an alcohol I was told I would like)
Household and domestic:
- Repair pillows
- Repair sox
- Purge some paper documents from files
- Go through bag hanging on sliding doorknob
- Organize videotapes
- Glue shit back on bike
- Hem tank top
- Work on wings shirt
- Go through memory folders and organize
- Go through "deal with it later" folder and deal with it
- Make recipes on my list that have no photos (flowers, fries, rice, and sima)
Writing projects AS SOON AS I HAVE TIME:
- Submit to magazines
- WRITE The House That Ivy Built Book 5
- WRITE The House That Ivy Built Book 0
- WRITE Joint Custody
- Edit Bad Fairy (Apply editing from Jan-Martin, Mikey, Dinobf's prologue advice, and zack's of 1-3. And all the text files.)
- Read Book 4 (almost done!)
- Type Book 5
- Turn Bloom into a novel
- Finish writing "So Much for Karma" (a.k.a. "The Asshole Fairy story")
Web page stuff to do, whenever:
- Essay on polyphasic sleeping
- Photograph pagan craft projects for Ivy's Pentacles site
- Eragon photos--do something funny
- Photos in general--add some new ones from Beach05, Fred05, Justme, and Friends
- Write a more structured beginners' guide for Ivy's Pentacles
- Find more Pagan music--look in pmusic.txt file (don't forget to go through personal collection for additions as well as bookmarks)
- Make a Sleeping Beauty Web page.
- Grocery lists--scans
- Post astrological birth chart
- Update E2 and LJ cliques and links
- Clean up E2's personal nodes
- Check all links (!)
- Join fanlistings
- Check clique members
- Check fanlistings
Gifts to make or buy for others:
- Steve's birthday (was the 25th, but haven't sent him his present yet)
- Dieter's birthday - Sept 28 (Ivy shirt) (done!)
- Victor's birthday - Oct 13 (done but not sent!)
- Bunky's birthday - Oct 14 (sent!)
- Mikeyversary - Nov 8 (Halfway done)
- John at work (will make him food!)
- Phil's birthday - Nov 27 (?)
- HOLIDAY: Big plans for projects for some family and friends. Others I have no idea yet. We shall see.
Computer file maintenance to do whenever:
- Put picture, movie, and image files on CDs
- Clean up AOL download folder
To read and pay attention to:
- Read more webcomix
- Read Jeremy's book and edit it
- Homestar Runner
- Mikey's paper journal
- Write to Nicole in Germany
- Keep in contact with CNN-Jen
- Friggin' call Sarah
If you're curious . . . my e-mail's at 58 right now.
Think I should get to work?