I did stuff.

Sep 12, 2011 18:39

I been doin' stuff.

First and foremost, editing the crap out of my book, because I have like five people's comments in the queue and I'm trying to get through all of them. Some of them only edited the first three chapters because that's all they received, and they're waiting for the rest, but I find it kinda pointless to send them stuff that I know I am about to change in accordance with comments. So yeah.

I published this excruciatingly long essay on Christopher Paolini's book Brisingr. If you think I'm kidding about its being long (though I doubt you'd jump to that conclusion, considering who you're talking to here), this critical essay is over 25,000 words long. YES, ME BITCHING ABOUT A BOOK IS AS LONG AS HALF A SHORT NOVEL. GET OVER IT.

(I wrote this over Labor Day weekend because people have been waiting for it for almost three years, and the fourth book in the series is out soon, so I figured I'd better move quickly if I wanted my lovely little fan base to have a chance to check this out.)

(And if you think I'm kidding about the reception of this essay, check out all the partying in the thread where I announced its posting. It's one of those threads whose comments ended up overflowing onto a second comments page. Yes, my book-related whining is that exciting. Har.)

There is also an abridged version because I like to review stuff on Goodreads and they have a character limit. Woe is I.


Now I should tell you about stuff I've been doing. Let's go backwards!

Yesterday: My sister L and my mom came over for homemade pizza because it was a celebration for my mom's birthday (though the actual date is today). We hung out and consumed the mushroom pizza and they drank wine. L had a headache so it was kind of not a blast for her but we survived.

Saturday 9/10: Drink and Draw. I invited Pedro and he was interested so I rode with him to the Globe. We hung out with the gang and did our drinkin' and drawing.

Yeah we're cute. Of course, the big question of the night was "Would Wonder Woman have armpit hair if she were a butch lesbian?" We weren't actually sure. A couple of us asked our Facebook friends to weigh in. Most people seemed to think she should have pit hair. I guess that's why in the final drawing, she did.

Mandy drew hilarious "Badventures" which involved all of us as weird versions of ourselves getting cut apart by Eric's axe arms because he was trying to hug us. Instead of an iMac, I was an ivyMac. Everyone died.

Friday, 9/9: Negative One, like always.

Thursday, 9/8: Daddy came into town and took me to dinner. Pretty cool. It had been so long since I'd talked to him that it turned out he didn't even know about me being in that documentary movie. (Well, he knew it was being made, but had no idea it had been screened and stuff. My sister P, my brother-in-law, and my aunt have already seen it in theaters.) We ate at Mimi's and I had a Gardenburger.

Wednesday, 9/7: Tried unsuccessfully to get my lease renewal taken care of. Flarb.

Tuesday, 9/6: Jeaux Day and watching America's Got Talent at his house. And a lot of whining about how much Brisingr poisoned my mind.

Labor Day Weekend: You already know I spent it writing that horrific essay.

Friday, 9/2: Negative One, like always. And I sang a new version of the song from Portal 2, "Want You Gone." I haven't put it up anywhere yet (including on my page). Because I haven't decided if that's my "final" or not. Eventually I will make another video for it once I figure out how to make it visually interesting.

Thursday, 9/1: Made a new links page yay.

Wednesday, 8/31: Just a work day with the usual editing and reading at home.

Tuesday, 8/30: Jeaux Day, America's Got Talent, book editing.

Monday, 8/29: Late work day because of proposal. Answered OKCupid built-up mail but got interrupted by IMs.

Sunday, 8/28: Finally finished and processed my awesome Bad Fairy drawing. And shopped with Mom and made business cards for her.

Saturday, 8/27: Went to an asexual meetup. I've never been to one before that and it was all right. But it was very tiny (imagine that!) and we didn't have much time to talk before the venue launched into a live music set and it was too loud to hear each other, so it was kind of like we just sat around listening to it. Fun to meet them though.

Not a ton of significant things happening beyond that recently, except that I've been really busy with social stuff, writing, drawing, editing, and other creative activities. I've been editing very steadily as comments trickle in from my test audience on Bad Fairy. I had Pedro over on Saturday 8/20 and he showed me the cool movie The Fantastic Mr. Fox which I am in love with. I showed him some of Eyeshield 21. Hung out with Chad at my house on Wednesday 8/17. Had to work on my paid editing contracts. Monday 8/15 was when I sent out my first manuscript fragments to test readers. Saturday 8/13 and Sunday 8/14 I was in Largo sleeping over my friend Sarah's house, where she and her husband totally spoiled me. (They fed me a big pasta dinner, awesome chocolate fondue dessert, and omelets in the morning! The only bad thing was I was allergic to their cats, but I brought medicine for that and it helped.) And I watched an entire Portal 2 game walkthrough out of curiosity about the video game story. Heh. I've never done that before and I don't imagine I'll do it again.

That should catch you up on the basic State of the Ivy.

asexual, singing, sister p, jeaux, essays, sarah, sister l, books, yusuke, bad fairy, eric, pedro, gary, mandy, internet, negative one, mom, eragon, movies, fangirling, web page, dad, drawings, family

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