At the suggestion of
spacehawk, I've rustled up some Privilege Denying Dude memes. Some are general and some are asexuality, identity, or sexism specific. I should note that the first time I saw Privilege Denying Dude he was represented by a different stock photo, but
the story goes that the model and owner of the photo objected, so some new guy actually volunteered himself to be Privilege Denying Dude. As far as I know.
Doesn't really matter who it is, though, as long as I make my point. I did like the old one better.
I made them
I will post one here to give you the idea, but then a whole ton of them (27 more) are under the cut, so beware the picspam if you click.
On that last, I think that's the idea, Privilege Denying Dude.