Jan 17, 2007 12:20
I was in Borders yesterday getting a pretzel and looking around. I went in the kids' section and got very sad (almost-tears-but-not-quite sad) because I was wandering and noticing how many kids' books there were that I'd never heard of. Being out of the loop for six months after being in it for six years is a bit of a boot to the head.
I ate my pretzel in the café and oh my god, stupidville to the max. Some dorko had his Borders Rewards Card on his keychain, and when the café girl asked to scan it, he made as if to hand her the keys so she could do it . . . but then it turned out he was holding the keys (and all the keychain cards) in his hand and offering . . . his keychain. Apparently he thought she was going to scan his fucking keychain.
"Sir, I need to scan THE CARD," she protested, but he just kept offering her the keychain, a hand motion like "here, here, scan it then." SHE CAN'T SCAN IT IF YOU'VE GOT IT TUCKED IN YOUR HAND.
Reminds me of the dumbass who kept offering me his Eckerd prescription card or something and then complained that it wasn't giving him a discount on his paper. I had told him several times that that wasn't OUR card, did he have OUR card? "It's always something, isn't it?" he grumbled as he put the card away. I just ignored him and rang him for the paper and then he grumped that we'd overcharged him because HE had the DISCOUNT card. I remember banging my head on the desk after he left. It hurt.
I do not miss customers.
I miss books, though.